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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1284   View pdf image (33K)
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however, no person shall be required to labor as aforesaid, who
may furnish a substitute or pay to the Bailiff the sum of one
dollar in lieu of said labor, and any person who shall refuse to
obey the summons of the bailiff for labor on the public streets
shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon complaint
made by the Bailiff, shall be arrested and taken before a Jus-
tice of the Peace for Caroline County, upon a warrant to be
issued by said Justice, and upon proof of such summons and
failure or refusal to obey the same shall be fined not less than
one dollar and not more than five dollars, and all costs of such
proceedings, and to be committed to the Jail of Caroline County
until such fine and costs are paid.

SEC. 182-L. And be it further enacted, That all by-laws now
in force relating or applicable to the Commissioners of Hills-
borough and not included in this Act and not inconsistent with
this Act and all ordinances of the Commissioners of Hillsbor-
orough now in force and not inconsistent with this Act, shall be
ami they are hereby continued until changed or repealed respec-
tively by the General Assembly of Maryland or the Commis-
sioners of Hillsborough.

SEC. 182-M. And be it further enacted, That all officers pro-
vided for or named in the Charter of Hillsborough or any
amendments thereto, as it now stands before the passage of this
Act, whether by election or appointment, shall continue to hold,
exercise and discharge the duties of their respective offices until
their successors shall be duly qualified and nothing contained
in this Act shall be construed to interfere with the continuity of
the terms of or tenure of said officers; nor shall the re-appoint-
ment or re-election of any of said officers be necessary in order
to secure the said continuity of their said terms and tenures of
office unless otherwise provided in this Act.

SEC. 182-N. And be it further enacted, That any suit, action,
or proceeding now pending shall not abate by reason of the pas-
sage of this Act.

SEC. 182-0. And be it further enacted, That each Section of
this Act and every part of each Section are hereby declared to
be independent Sections, and the holding of any Section or Sec-
tions or part or parts thereof to be void, ineffective or uncon-
stitutional for any cause shall not be deemed to affect any other
Section or part thereof.


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1284   View pdf image (33K)
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