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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1281   View pdf image (33K)
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said town and fix his compensation, whose duty it shall be to
superintend the grading," paving, repaving, keeping in order and
opening of streets, lanes and alleys in said town and the remov-
ing of obstructions therefrom, to take care of and preserve the
public squares and properties and preserve the health and well
being of the inhabitants of the town, said Street Commissioner
being hereby given all the police powers of constables of this
State. He shall perform all other appropriate duties prescribed
by the Commissioners of Hillsborough, and give bond in such
penalty and in such manner as may be prescribed by them.

SEC. 182-J. And be it further enacted, That the Commission-
ers of Hillsborough shall have power to make by-laws and pass
ordinances to establish grades for the streets, gutters and side-
walks of said town, the width thereof and prescribe the material
of which they shall be built; to cause the sidewalks and gutters
along said public streets, to be graded, curbed, paved, repaved
or improved and to assess the costs and expense thereof in whole
or in part, upon the owner or owners of the abutting property,
which costs and expense shall be a lien on the abutting property,
and recoverable by an action at law, or compel by fines or other-
wise the owner or owners of any such lot to grade, pave, repave
and curb the sidewalks in front thereof; and may provide by
ordinance for condemning, laying out, opening, extending and
making new streets or alleys and for altering, straightening,
widening, grading, improving, or closing up in whole or in part
any existing street or alley, and for removing trees, posts and
other obstructions therefrom, and for laying out public squares,
drains, watercourses; and all benefits or damages done, suffered
or incurred by laying out, opening and making of hew streets
or alleys, or by altering, straightening, widening, grading, im-
proving or closing up in whole or in part any existing street or
alley or laying our public squares, drains and watercourses shall
be determined and assessed by three disinterested persons, or a
majority of them, residents of said town, appointed by the Com-
missioners of Hillsborough who shall within ten days after noti-
fication of their appointment, take an oath before a Justice of the
Peace of Caroline County or any Notary Public, that they will
faithfully and fairly and without partiality or prejudice, value
and assess the loss and damages to be suffered and incurred by
any person or persons interested in said property over, through
and by which the said street or alley, square drain or water-
course is to be opened, closed, extended, widened, graded or im-
proved, and also to estimate the benefits that may accrue there-


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Session Laws, 1914
Volume 533, Page 1281   View pdf image (33K)
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