to Article 77 of Bagby's Annotated Code of Public Civil Laws
of Maryland, same to follow Section 126, to be known as 126-A,
and to read as follows :
126-A. To encourage the idea that no person should enter
upon the duties of teaching without special training for the
vork, the Board of County School Commissioners of any
Bounty may inaugurate in one approved high school of the
first group, a two years' teachers' training course for students
having completed successfully the tenth year grade, and who
wish to prepare themselves for teaching. The State Board of
Education shall prescribe the course in pedagogy and all
necessary regulations to make the work of the course effective,
and have such diplomas accepted as certificates to teach in
elementary schools.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 17th, 1914.
AN ACT to direct the County Commissioners of Allegany County
to borrow money on the credit of said County to purchase or
condemn real estate and to pay for the erection of a new pub-
lic school building in the City of Cumberland, Maryland, and
for the erection of, addition to, and improvement of public
school buildings in said County, and to issue bonds therefor,
and to levy on the assessable property in Allegany County an
annual tax sufficient to pay said bonds as they mature, and to
pay the interest thereon as it becomes due.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Allegany County, in
order to provide funds necessary for the erection of a new pub-
lic school building in the City of Cumberland, Maryland, and
for the erection of, addition to, and improvement of public
schools in said County, are hereby directed to borrow money
on the credit of said County to an amount not exceeding Sixty
Thousand ($60,000.00) Dollars and to issue bonds therefor
under the corporate seal of said Board of County Commission-
ers, to be signed by the President of said Board of County
Commissioners and to be countersigned by the clerk thereof,
in the denominations of One Hundred ($100.00) dollars each,
said bonds to be issued on June first, 1914, and to bear interest