the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Frederick
County, " sub-title "Frederick, " be and the same are hereby
repealed and re-enacted with amendments so as to read as
SEC. 145. Be it enacted, That the boundaries of the lots,
streets and alleys in said City are as described on the surveys
and plats thereof in the office of the City Register or City En-
gineer; and the said plats and surveys shall be received as the
boundaries of the lots, streets, lanes and alleys thereof.
SEC. 179. Be it enacted, That they shall keep a journal of
their proceedings and enter their yeas and nays on any ques-
tion, resolution or ordinance, at the request of any member. All
meetings of the Board, whether regular or special, at which
any person not a City officer is admitted, shall be open to the
SEC. 225. Be it enacted, That no ordinance of the Corpora-
tion, which imposes a penalty by way of fine or imprisonment
for a violation thereof, shall be binding on any person who does
not reside in said City, until the same shall have been published
in some newspaper in said City, except in case of wilful and
intentional violation of such ordinance, after notice thereof.
SEC. 236. Be it enacted, That the Mayor and Aldermen of
Frederick shall have full power and authority to grade and
pave all sidewalks and footways, and set all curbs and gutters,
prescribe the material to be used in the construction thereof,
and to charge the whole or any portion of the cost to the abut-
ting owners; and compel owners of the abutting property,
within the limits of the Corporation, to grade and pave side-
walks and footways, with such material as it shall think proper,
and from time to time alter and change the grade; and in case
the owner or owners of the abutting property shall refuse to
pave such sidewalks or footways, when directed so to do, the
Corporation shall have the work done at the expense of the
City, and shall direct the City Engineer to ascertain the pro-
portion of expense chargeable to each proprietor, and it may
recover the same by action in the Circuit Court for Frederick
County, or before a Justice of the Peace, according to the
amount awarded, or may distrain the property, real or personal,
of such proprietor or proprietors; provided, at least ten days'
notice be given by the Mayor of the amount of any such assess-
ment, prior to such suit or distress; and said Corporation may
provide for the assessment and collection of all assessments for