AN ACT to authorise the Governor to issue Com-
missions to the several persons who shall appear
to have been elected Justices of the Peace and
Constables in the several election districts of
Prince George's county, from a copy of the Poll
books duly certified by the Clerk of the said
county under his seal of office.
Passed Dec.
12, 1861.
WHEREAS, the Judges of Election in Prince
George's county failed to embrace in their re-
turns made to the Governor, the names of per-
sons voted for in the several election districts of
said county for Justices of the Peace and Con-
stables at the election held on the sixth day of
November last ; and whereas, the Clerk of the
said county has transmitted to the Governor a
duly certified copy of the Poll books of each
election district with the names of the persons
voted for for each office, and the number of
votes that were given to each, whereby the Go-
vernor can readily ascertain the persons elected
to said offices, and thereby supply the mistake
caused by the omission of the return Judges as
aforesaid, but he is unable to issue commissions
to the several parties without an act of Assem-
bly authorizing him to do so;
SECTION 1. Therefore, be it enacted by the General
Assembly of Maryland, That the Governor be and
he is hereby authorized to issue commissions to
such persons, being the number by law authorized
to be elected, as shall appear to have received the
highest number of votes for the office of Justice of
the Peace, and Constables, in the several election
districts of Prince George's County, by a copy of
the returns of said election filed by the Judges in
the office of the Clerk of Prince George's county,
duly certified and attested by the Clerk of said
county under his seal of office.
Authorized to
issue commis-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from its passage.
In force.