Assented to
March 10, 1862
Resolved by the Senate and House of Delegates of
Maryland, That the Constitution of the United
States, so admirably framed by the wisdom of our
forefathers, is recognized by the people of Mary-
land, as the charter of their liberties, the founda-
tion, support and protection of their rights, and
the main source of all their prosperity ; that they
are at all times ready cordially to renew the ex-
pression of their devotion to its principles, that
they unreservedly acknowledge the supremacy of
all laws made in pursuance thereof, and repudiate
every construction of that instrument which would
destroy its efficiency, its very existence, indeed, by
the assertion of any right, expressed, implied, or
reserved in the States, to secede from the Union ;
and although they consider the right of revolu-
tion, for justifiable cause, inherent in every people,
they unhesitating declare that they know no exist-
ing cause to justify the people of the United
States, in attempting the overthrow of their Gov-
2. Resolved, That the duty and interest of the
people of Maryland, alike forbid that they should
take part in the infatuated and suicidal rebellion
which now seeks to separate the States of this
Union, and to destroy that great Nationality
which has made us prosperous at home and re-
spected abroad ; which separation, if accomplished,
must result in the most serious disasters to all the
States, but, from the peculiarity of our geographi-
position, can bring to our own State nothing but
irretrievable ruin.
3. Resolved, That the present unhappy and fra-
tricidal war has been forced upon the Government
of the United States, by the seditious and unlaw-
ful acts of those who have attempted its overthrow
by violence, and the State of Maryland will cheer-
fully contribute her proportion of men and means
to sustain the Nation in its struggle for existence,
go long as the war is conducted in accordance with
the principles of the Constitution, and so long as
the purpose of those in power is the maintenance
of the Union, with the rights guaranteed to the
States unimpaired.