meaning, and construction of the charter, then
from and after the expiration of the said fifteen
days, it shall not be lawful for the President and
Directors, or any officer or officers of the said Bal-
timore and Harford Turnpike Company, agent or
agents, attorney or other person whatsoever, ac-
ting for or on the behalf of the said Baltimore and
Harford Turnpike Company, to ask, demand, ex-
act, receive, sue for, or by any way, manner or
means whatsoever, recover any sum or sums of
money whatsoever, levied as a toll.from any per-
son or persons travelling upon said Highway, for,
or' on account of any vehicles, wagons, carts, or
any means of conveyance, beasts of burden, or
pleasure, or any stock of any kind whatsoever,
at the gate or toll-house nearest the part or parts,
portion or portions, place or places, of the said
Baltimore and Harford Turnpike Road, found de-
fective, and described in the inquisition as afore-
said, to be, and out of order and repair as afore-
said, until and when the President, Directors,
Managers, (or some person or persons acting for
them,) of the said Baltimore and Harford Turn-
pike Company, shall cause every and all such part
or parts, portion or portions, place or places, to be
placed and put in good and perfect order and re-
pair, in a masterly and workmanlike manner,
agreeably to and in accordance with the force,
effect, contemplation, true meaning and construc-
tion of the thirteenth section of an act entitled, an
act to incorporate a company to make a turnpike
road from the city of Baltimore to Havre-de-Grace,
passed January the twenty-ninth, eighteen hun-
dred and fourteen, the last mentioned act, having
been heretofore act of eighteen hundred and eigh-
teen, chapter fifty, applied to the act of eighteen
hundred and fifteen, chapter forty-eight, to which
this is a supplement, and construed to pertain and
relate, regulate and amend the charter of the Bal-
timore and Harford Turnpike Company.
Clause in the
foregoing sec-
tion — how un-
derstood; in-
quisition, &c.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That by the clause in
the foregoing section, in pursuance of the direc-
tions of the charter, be found etc. , shall be intended
and understood, an equitable and substantial com-
pliance therewith ; and if the said inquisition, at
any time, or before or after any motion or .other
proceedings to ratify and confirm the same, shall