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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 344   View pdf image (33K)
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Officers— sums
to be paid.

spectively pay to the clerk from whom they re-
ceive the same, the sums following, to wit: The
Judge of each of the Circuit Courts of the several
counties, fifty dollars ; the Judge of the Superior
Court, of the Court of Common Pleas, of the Cir-
cuit Court and of the Criminal Court of Baltimore
city, each fifty dollars ; the Judges of the Court of
Appeals, each fifty dollars ; the Sheriff of Balti-
more city, three hundred dollars ; the Sheriffs of
Baltimore county, Frederick county and Washing-
ton county, each one hundred dollars ; the Sheriff
of Allegany county, seventy-five dollars ; the Sher-
iffs of Carroll county, Harford county, Dorchester
county, Anne Arundel county, Worcester county,
Somerset county, Cecil county and Prince George's
county, each forty dollars ; the Sheriff of How-
ard county, thirty dollars ; the Sheriffs of Caro-
line county, Montgomery county, Talbot coun-
ty, Charles county, Queen Anne's county, Calvert
county, Kent county and Saint Mary's county,
each twenty dollars ; each Judge of the Orphans
court of the city of Baltimore, fifty dollars ; each
Judge of the Orphans Court in the several coun-
ties, ten dollars; each Justice of the Peace and
Constable in the State, two dollars; the Inspectors
of Flour in the city of Baltimore, each two hun-
dred dollars ; the Tobacco Inspectors, Inspectors of
Fish, each fifty dollars; the Inspector of Guano,
two hundred dollars ; the Weigher of Live Stock,
fifty dollars ; the Inspectors of Grain, fifty dollars ;
the Weighers of Hay and Straw, each fifty dol-
lars ; the Inspector of Lumber in Port Deposit and
Perryville in Cecil county, ten dollars; and each
Notary Public in the city of Baltimore, the sum of
twenty dollars ; the Clerk of the Circuit Court of
Baltimore, the Clerk of the Court of Common
Pleas, and the Clerk of the Criminal Court of
Baltimore, each two hundred dollars ; the Register
of Wills of the city of Baltimore, two hundred
dollars ; the Register of Wills of Baltimore county,
one hundred and fifty dollars ; the Register of Wills
of Frederick county, one hundred dollars ; the Reg-
ister of Wills of Washington county, seventy-five
dollars ; the Register of Wills of Allegany county,
Carroll county, Harford county, Kent county, Dor-
chester county, Anne Arundel county, Worcester
county, Somerset county, Cecil county and Prince
George's county, each fifty dollars ; the Register

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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 344   View pdf image (33K)
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