of the Clerk of the said Commissioners, made un-
der oath, as to the number of days which each of
the said Commissioners shall have attended, and
the compensation of the Clerk shall be two dollars
per diem, to be paid in like manner, upon the cer-
tificate of a majority of the said Commissioners of
the number of days of his employment or actual
Sec. 17. And be it enacted, That any two of the
Commissioners appointed by this act shall be com-
petent to perform all the duties authorized to be
done and performed therein, by the said Commis-
sioners, and in the event of the death, resignation
or disability of any one of them, the County Com-
missioners shall fill such vacancy at the next re-
gular meeting, after they shall have been in-
formed of such vacancy.
Two Commis-
sioners compe-
tent to perform
duties — vacan-
cies, how filled.
Sec. 18. And be it enacted, That all expenses,
not herein specially enumerated, incidental to the
commission hereby created, shall be certified to the
County Commissioners, with proper vouchers, who
shall pay the same ; and for the purpose of pro-
viding the means of carrying out the provisions of
this act, the said County Commissioners are hereby
authorized and required to levy upon the taxable
property of Baltimore county, to be included in
the levy for eighteen hundred and sixty-two, the
Expenses —
how and by
whom paid.
sum of five thousand dollars, which sum is hereby
appropriated to that object ; provided, nevertheless,
that if the said sum of seven thousand dollars
should not be required, so much thereof as shall
remain unexpended, shall be carried to the credit
of the levy of said county for the year eighteen
hundred and sixty-three; .and if, to the contrary,
said sum should be insufficient to defray the ex-
pense of the Commissioners, that the deficiency
thereof shall be levied in the year eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-three, and paid as provided in this
Sec. 19. And be it enacted, That the commis-
sion hereby created shall meet at such times as
Meetings cf
they may deem expedient, and may adjourn from
day to day ; provided, however, that the whole
time occupied by the said commission in the dis-
charge of the duties provided for by this act, shall
not exceed two hundred days.