shall set forth all the receipts, with the sources
from which they are severally derived, and the dis-
bursement and expenditures of the said Institution
for the support of , the Almshouse and its inmates,
with a statement of the sums allowed to its officers
and employees and the allowances made to indi-
gent out pensioners ; and such other information
in detail as in the judgment of the Trustees may
give general information of the affairs of the In-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Board of
Primary Education of Worcester county shall
have free access to the books and accounts of the
County Commissioners of said county, in so far as
they relate to the receipts and payments of the
school tax authorized to be collected by law in said
county, and the appropriations made by said Com-
missioners for educational purposes, and it shall
be the duty of the Grand Jury of Worcester coun-
ty, once in each and every year, at the May term
of the Circuit Court for Worcester county, to ex-
amine the books and accounts of the County Com-
missioners of said county in account with the
Board of Primary Education and the Public
Board of Pri-
mary Educa-
tion privileged
to examine ac-
counts, as to
school tax, of
county com-
School Fund; and also to examine and inspect the
books and accounts of the said Board of Primary,
Education and the- Trustees appointed by them,
and make a stated account of their receipts and
expenditures for the current year in detail, and re-
port the same to the Circuit Court for said county,
which report shall be recorded by the Clerk of the
said Circuit Court in the proceedings of said Court;
and the County Commissioners of Worcester coun-
ty are hereby required to have said report pub-
lished in some newspaper printed in said county,
for at least three successive weeks before the first
Wednesday in November in each and every year.
Statement of
Pceipts and
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the day of its passage.
In force.