Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer
of this State, on the warrant of the Comptroller,
is authorized and required to pay to the gun-
smith or gunsmiths the amount due them upon
the completion of said contracts upon proper vouch-
ers being produced, together with a certificate
from the Armorer, that the work has been well
and skilfully executed.
authorized to
Sec. 3. And be enacted, That this act shall take
effect from its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to amend an act passed at a special ses-
sion of the General Assembly, held the twenty-
sixth day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-
one, chapter seventeen, entitled, An act to repeal
the ninteenth section of the twenty-ninth Arti-
cle, of the Code of Public General Laws, and
the proviso of the thirty-third section, of the
fifth Article of the said Code, relating to the
stay of execution, and to extend the time for
enforcing the execution of judgments, by pro-
viding for a qualified extension of said act be-
yond its present duration, on the conditions in
this bill expressed.
Passed March
10, 1862.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the seventeen chapter of the
Public General Laws, passed at a special session
of the General Assembly of Maryland, held on the
twenty-sixth day of April, eighteen hundred and
sixty-one, be amended and extended beyond its
present duration, so as to operate a further stay of
execution on the conditions in the following sec-
tions prescribed.
Act extended.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That as to all judg-
ments, or decrees, or orders for the payment of
money rendered, or to be rendered by any court or
Stay of exe-
ution ; con-
litions, &c.