ers authorized
to sell and con-
vey part of
public landing.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Commissioners for Kent
county be and they are hereby authorized and em-
powered to sell and convey unto John S. Clayton
and Samuel E. Clayton, of said county, for cash,
or on reasonable credit, as to them may seem best,
the following part of the public landing on Mor-
gan's Creek, which was condemned and taken off
the land now owned by Mrs. R. Riley, the wife of
Joseph Riley, which said part begins at low water-
mark, on Morgan's Creek opposite a cedar tree,
and running thence north-west, eighty-six feet, to
a large cedar tree on Mill Creek, then with Mill
Creek and marsh, one hundred and ninety-eight
feet to Morgan's Creek, then one hundred and
twenty feet to the place of beginning; and to apply
the proceeds of said sale, to such county purposes
as in their judgment may be proper.
to condemn a
portion of Mor-
gan's creek.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Commis-
sioners aforesaid be and they are hereby author-
ized and empowered to have surveyed and laid off,
by the county Surveyor, a portion of the bed of
Morgan's Creek, opposite the aforesaid part of the
said public landing, extending from high water-
mark, to a depth of water sufficient for vessels