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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 209   View pdf image (33K)
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sixty-three, and on the first day of January in
the year eighteen hundred and sixty-four, on the
bonds or certificates of the debt of the Annapolis
and Elkridge Railroad Company, issued in pur-
suance of chapter one hundred and sixty-eight, of
eighteen hundred and forty-one, and to the pay-
ment of so much of the principal of said bonds or
certificates of debt as is directed to be paid by the
said act, seven thousand dollars, provided, how-
ever, that only so much thereof shall be so applied
as may be equal to the nett profits of the said An-
napolis and Elkridge Rrilroad Company, and the
profits which this State shall or may have derived
from the use of the Annapolis and Elkridge Rail-
road, in connection with the Washington Branch
of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and which
profits shall or may have been paid into the
Treasury, as required by the aforesaid act of eigh-
teen hundred and forty-one, chapter one hundred
and sixty-eight ; to the holder or holders of cou-
pons or certificates of interest in arrears, which are
not funded under the provisions of chapter two
hundred and thirty-eight, of eighteen hundred
and forty-six, five thousand dollars.


To the Superintendent of public buildings and
grounds, three hundred and fifty dollars; to the
night watchmen of the public buildings, four hun-
dred and twenty (dollars each, making eight hun-
dred and forty dollars; to the person employed
to take care of the public buildings and grounds,
three, hundred and sixty dollars; to the furnace
keeper, of the record building, two hundred and
fifty dollars; to the superintendent of the steam
house, three hundred and sixty-five dollars; and
for the salary for. an assistant, two hundred and
seventy -five dollars.

Sums appro-

Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That the Treasurer
shall, upon the warrant of the Comptroller, dis-
burse the said sums of money hereinbefore appro-
priated for the objects and purposes specified, to
or upon the order of the person or persons, bodies
politic or corporate, severally entitled thereto, and
that the several public officers to whom the same
or any part thereof may be paid, shall render
quarterly to the Comptroller, accounts of the ex-


authorized to
disburse sums

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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 209   View pdf image (33K)
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