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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 207   View pdf image (33K)
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the appropriation lor St. John's College shall not
take effect until the Governor shall certify to the
Comptroller, that the Collegiate Department of
St. John's College is in effective operation ; to the
payment of the several sums of money to be dis-
tributed among the counties according to law, for
the use of Free Schools, including bonus from
Banks, dividends from bank stock standing to the
credit of the Free School Fund, and so much of
the tax on passengers on the Washington Branch
of, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, as has been
substituted for the surplus revenue, sixty-three
thousand six hundred dollars ; to the education of
the Indigent Blind, in addition to the fund already
accumulated for that purpose, six thousand dol-
lars ; to the education of the Deaf and Dumb, five
thousand dollars ; to the Agricultural College, six
thousand dollars.


To the executive, for the Contingent Fund pro-
vided in the Constitution to be placed at his dis-
posal, six thousand dollars ; to the Contingent Ex-
pense of the Treasury Department, one thousand
dollars ; to the printing of blank licenses and pro-
tests for the Comptroller, two thousand dollars; to
the Contingent Fund of the Library, including the
expense of postage, of porterage and freight, of
stationery for the use of the office, of menial ser-
vice and assistance, of advertising and printing,
and all other incidental expenses, one thousand
five hundred dollars; for publishing the list of
officers in default to the State, two thousand dol-
lars; to the cost of printing the annual report of
the Comptroller of the Treasury, six hundred dol-
lars; to the expense of advertising lists of foreign
Insurance Agents, two hundred dollars; to the
expense for fuel and lights, three thousand dollars;
for the postage of the executive and Treasury De-
partments, two thousand dollars ; to the expense
of distributing bound copies of Maryland Reports
to the clerks and registers of wills of this State,
fifty dollars; to the Librarian for compensation in
pursuance of resolution number twelve, of eigh-
teen hundred and thirty-three, seventy five dollars.

To the Secretary of the Senate, three hundred

Sums appro-

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Session Laws, 1862
Volume 532, Page 207   View pdf image (33K)
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