No. 2.
There was disbursed in the Fiscal Year ended 30th
September, 1862, the sum of $1, 546,859.10, on
the following accounts, viz:
To Grain Inspections............................
$ 5,311 54
" the Judiciary................................
34 824 56
" Civil Officers.................................
17,747 31
" Miscellaneous Accounts.......................
6,055 17
" Pensions....................................
1,430 00
' Militia......................................
1,558 33
" Special Judges........
1,328 40
' Interest on the Public Debt, including Exchange.
672,559 80
' Eastern Shore Rail Roads.....................
17,500 00
' Colleges, Academies and Schools...............
25,150 00
' Contingent Fund of the Executive.............
3,954 40
' Contingent Fund of the Treasury..............
793 05
' Contingent Fund of the Library...............
2,834 49
' Augmentation Fund of the Library.............
399 06
' Commissions to Attorneys.....................
7,491 33
" Fuel und Lights..............................
2,554 40
' Boundary Line between Maryland and Virginia.
120 96
' Appropriation for Repairs of Government House.
2,631 10
" Slate Tobacco Inspection......................
6,850 25
' Blind Asylum................................
6,000 00
' Special Appropriations........................
41 890 01
' State Colonization Society ...................
665 00
' the Insane Asylum...........................
29,166 67
" Home of the Friendless........................
3,000 00
" Maryland Penitentiary........................
38,000 00
" House of Refuge............................
10,000 00
'' Purchase of Arms for the State................
1,965 35
" Indigent Deaf and Dumb.....................
4,549 60
" Mayor and City Council of Baltimore...........
3,291 95
" Printing; Blank Licenses and Protest for Comp-
troller's Office .............................
1,683 14
" Annapolis and Elkridge Bail Road Company....
12,318 82
" Maryland Hospital...........................
10,000 00
" Public Printing..............................
10,498 85
" Postage (including Legislature) ...............
2,204 37
" Stale Tobacco Warehouses....................
961 11
' the Legislature .............................
80,652 42
" Surplus Revenue — this sum transferred..........
34,069 36
' Appropriation for Redemption of Stamps........
66 45
' Stale Agricultural College ...................
6,000 00
' Appropriation for Relief of Families of Maryland
Volunteers ...............................
50,000 00
" Union Relief Association......................
5,000 00
" Maryland Defence Loan for Expense of Engrav-
ing, &c....................................
345 52
Carried forward ....................