Sec. 48. Be it enacted, That all moneys now in
the hands of the Treasurer heretofore received from
any one acting as Tobacco Inspector, and all re-
ceived by him in pursuance of this Article, and all
fines, penalties and forfeitures under this Article
not otherwise provided for, shall constitute a fund
to be called the tobacco fund.
Money in
Sec. 49. Be it enacted, That where no other
appropriation is made of any fine, penalty or for-
feiture, referred to in the last preceding section,
one half thereof shall go to the informer, and the
other half to the tobacco fund, and the interest of
the informer therein, shall not disqualify him as a
witness in any action, civil or criminal.
One half to
Sec. 50. Be it enacted, That the Comptroller
shall furnish a bound copy of this act to each In-
spector appointed in pursuance thereof.
Act to be fur-
nished Inspec-
Sec. 51. Be it enacted. That this act shall go
into operation immediately from and after its pas-
In force.
AN ACT to repeal section thirty of Article fifteen
of the Code of Public Local Laws entitled, Mont-
gomery county, relating to the Courts of said
county; and to enact a substitute therefor.
Passed March
10, 1864.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That section thirty of Article
fifteen of the Code of Public Local Laws entitled,
Montgomery county, be and the same is hereby
amended so as to read as follows:
30. There shall be two terms of the Circuit
Court for Montgomery county in each year, and
they shall commence and be held at Rockville, in
said county on the first Monday of February, and
the second Monday of August.
Two terms .