fine and costs are paid, or for the per.iod of forty
days, which ever shall first occur, and it shall be
the duty of the court before whom said person
shall be convicted to suppress his license.
In force.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from day of its passage.
Passed Mar.
10, 1864.
AN ACT to amend Article four of the Code of
Public Local Laws, relating to the leasing of
the State Tobacco Warehouses and the Inspec
tion of Tobacco.
Sections re-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That all the sections of Article four in the
Code of Public Local Laws, under the title of
"Tobacco," from section four hundred and ninety-
four to section five hundred and fifty-two, relating
to Tobacco Commissioners, the leasing of the State
Tobacco Warehouses in the City of Baltimore,
and the Inspection of Tobacco, be and the same
are hereby repealed, and that the following sec-
tions be enacted and inserted in the Code in lieu
to appoint.
SECTION 1. The Governor by and with the ad-
vice of the Senate, shall appoint as soon as possi-
ble after the passage of this act, and before the
first Monday of February, at each regular session
of the General Assembly thereafter, five Tobacco
Inspectors, one for each State Tobacco Warehouse
in the City of Baltimore, whose terms of office
shall respectively continue until their successors
shall qualify; provided, that the successors of the
present Governor, in appointing Inspectors as
aforesaid, shall select four of them from the To-
bacco growing counties of the State, no two of
whom shall be selected from the same county.