time to time to alter or repeal, subject, neverthe-
less, to the revisions of the stockholders at a gen-
eral meeting as hereinafter provided.
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That the said com-
pany are hereby invested with all the rights and
powers necessary for the construction of a turnpike
road from the centre of the square or cross road of
Liberty iown, through Johnsville to Pipe Creek
Invested with
rights and
bridge, at or near Daniel E. Buckey's mill, pro-
vided, that the company may use the bed of the
public road now leading from the town of Liberty
to Pipe Creek, or so much thereof and with such
divergence as they may find necessary
Sec . 9 And be it enacted, That the President
and Managers of said company may agree with
owners of land required for said road, and also for
the purchase of stone, gravel, earth, sand or tim-
ber for said road; and in all cases where they are
unable to agree with the owner of owners, or
should he or she be a feme covert or non compos
mentis, or under age, the said President may apply
to a Justice of the Peace of the county aforesaid,
who shall therepon issue his warrant to the Sheriff'
of the county aforesaid, commanding him to sum-
mon twenty disinterested persons, qualified to act
as Jurors in the Circuit Court, to meet upon the
land; after four are stricken off the panel by the
President or his agent, and four by the person in-
terested, or in his, her or their absence or refusal,
by the said Sheriff, the Sheriff shall qualify the
remaining twelve persons, either by oath or affirm-
ation, as the case may be, justly, truly and impar-
tially to value the damages which may be sustained
by the owner or owners of such material or land
required, by such company, and the said Jurors
shall, after valuing said damages, return the
same, under their hands and seals, to the Clerk of
the Circuit Court of Frederick county, to be by
him recorded, and the said damages shall be paid
by the company into the hands of the Sheriff of
said county for the persons mentioned in the said
return respectively, before the said company shall
proceed to remove the said material or to use the
said land or said road; and the Justice, Sheriff
and Clerk, shall be entitled to receive the same
fees for services under this act as they are allowed
Mode of pro
ceeding in case
of condemna-