Passed Mar.
10, 1864.
AN ACT to incorporate a company to build a
Turnpike Road from Liberty Town, Freder-
ick county through Johnsville to Pipe Creek.
SECTION 1 . Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That a company be incorporated
to make a Turnpike road from Liberty Town, Fred-
erick county through Johnsville to Pipe Creek
Bridge, at or near Daniel E. Buckey's Mills in said
county, to be known and styled as the Liberty and
Pipe Creek Turnpike Road Company.
Books to be
Sec. 2. An be it enacted, That subscription books
shall be opened at Liberty Town, Johnsville and
Daniel E. Buckey's Mills under the direction of
Francis S. Jones, Henry Swope, Thomas S. Reis-
ler, John Kinzer, and Daniel E. Buckey, for a
capital stock of ten thousand dollars in shares of
twenty dollars each, who are hereby appointed
Commissioners for the purpose aforesaid, who after
at least twenty days notice by publication in two
newspapers of Frederick county, of the time and
place of opening said subscription books, at which
time and at each place at least, three of the above
named Commissioners shall attend, and shall per-
mit all persons and corporations who shall offer to
subscribe in person or by attorney, for stock in
said books, which shall be kept open for that pur-
pose at least four hours in each day for three suc-
cessive days if necessary, and if the whole of the
capital stock be not then subscribed for, the said
Commissioners may re-open said books at such
times and place as they may think fit, under the
direction of said Commissioners, or any three of
them, for further subscriptions from time to time,
until the whole of said stock shall be subscribed.
Notice to be
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That when one half
or more of the shares of said stock shall have been
subscribed, the said Commissioners, or a majority
of them, who opened the said subscription books,
shall give thirty days notice in two newspapers
published in the county aforesaid, of the time and
place appointed by them for the subscribers to meet
in order to organize said company, and to choose