each share of stock shall entitle the holder thereof
to one vote, to be given, in person, or by proxy;
and said shares shall be considered as personal
property, and shall be transferable in such man-
ner as may be provided by the by-laws of said
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the affairs
of said company shall be managed by the persons
named in the first section of this act, and who are
hereby constituted Directors of said company until
Directors shall be elected as hereinafter provided;
and in case of the decease of any one or more of
said persons, or in case of the refusal of any one
or more of said persons to act as Directors the re-
maining persons shall have power to select other
persons as Director's, for the time being, in their
Sec 6. And be it further enacted, That whenever
the said company shall be organized, before pro-
ceeding to the prosecution of its business, a gene-
ral meeting of the stockholders thereof shall be
held, at such time and place as the above named
corporators shall appoint, and of which appoint-
ment notice shall be given for at least three weeks
by advertisement, once a week, in a newspaper in
Cumberland, or such other notice as the said cor-
porators shall appoint; and that at such meeting a
President and six Directors, all of whom shall be
stockholders of said company, shall be chosen to
serve for one year thereafter, and until the next
election shall be held, and that annually thereaf-
ter, at such time and place as the President and
Directors shall appoint, like previous notice being
given, a general election of President and Direc-
tors shall be held for the succeeding year, and if,
from any cause, it shall so happen that an election
shall not be made on the appointed day the said
company shall not be deemed, for that cause, to be
dissolved, but such election may be afterwards
made on any day which may be appointed for that
purpose, by the President and Directors, for the
time being, notice thereof being given, as afore-
Meeting of
stockholders to
be held.