may increase the yearly value of said estates above
or beyond the sum aforesaid, shall be ablolutely
void and of none effect.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That the said Trus-
tees and their successors, shall meet at least once
in every year, in a stated annual meeting to be
appointed "by their own ordinances and at such
other times as by their said ordinances they may
direct, in order to examine the progress of the
students and scholars in literature, to hear and
determine on all complaints and appeal, and upon
all matters touching the discipline of the seminary
and the good and wholesome execution of their or-
dinances, in all which examinations, meetings and
determinations, such number of the said Trustees
duly met, (provided they be not less than five,)
shall be a quorum.
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That a majority of
the said Trustees for the time being when duly as-
sembled at any yearly or other meeting, upon due
notice given to the whole body, shall have full
power and authority to make fundamental ordi-
nances for the government of the said college and
the instruction of youth aforesaid, and by their
ordinances to appoint such a number of their own
body, not less than five, as they may think proper,
to be a quorum for transacting all general and
necessary business of the said seminary and mak-
ing temporory rules for the government of the
same, and also by the same fundamental ordin-
nances to delegate the Principal, vice Principal
and Professors such powers and authorities as they
may think best for the standing government of the
said seminary, and of the execution of the ordi-
Annual meet-
ings to be held.
Sec. 11. And be it enacted, That the said Trustees
and their successors shall have full power and
authority to have, make and use one common and
public seal and likewise one privy seal, with such
devices and inscriptions as they shall think proper,
and to ascertain, fix and regulate the uses of both
seals by their own laws, and the same seals or
either of them, to change, break, alter and renew
at their pleasure.
To have and
use seals.