Passed Mar.
8, 1864,
AN ACT for incorporating the Maryland Annual
Conference College.
College to be
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That a College or general Seminary
of learning, by the name of the Maryland An-
nual Conference College, be and is hereby estab-
lished in Baltimore county or city, of this State,
upon the following fundamental principles, name-
ly: First — The said college shall be founded and
maintained forever, upon a most liberal plan, for
the benefit of youth of every religious denomina-
tion, who shall be freely admitted to equal privi-
leges and advantages of education, and to all the
literary honors of the college, according to their
merit, without requiring or enforcing any reli-
gious or civil test, or urging their attendance upon
any particular place of religious worship or ser-
vice, other than that they have been educated in,
or have the approbation and consent of their pa-
rents or guardians to attend; nor shall any prefer-
ence be given in the choice of a Piincipal or other
Professor, Master or Tutor in the college, on ac-
count of his particular religious profession; but
regard shall be had solely to his moral character,
literary abilities and other necessary qualifications,
to fill the place for which he shall be chosen.
Second — When any of the Trustees named or
chosen shall die, resign, decline serving, or re-
move out of the State, a just quorum of said Trus-
tees, duly assembled at their annual meeting,
shall proceed by a new election to fill up the place
of such deceased, removed or vacant member.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That Rev. Francis
Waters, D. D., Rev. Daniel E. Reese, Rev.
Thomas Sim, M. D., Rev. James R. Nichols, Rev.
John J. Murray, M. D., D. D., Rev. Peter Light
Wilson, Rev. Theodore D. Valiant, General
George Vickers, Robert Ballard, M. D., John B.
Thomas, Esq., Alexander Norris, Esq., James B.
Mathews, Esq., and James L. Billingslea, M. D.,
be and hereby are appointed Trustees of the said