Directors to manage the affairs of said company,
to serve for one-year and until others shall be
elected in their place; at all meetings of the stock-
holders each stockholder shall be entitled to one
vote for each share of stock held by him, and may
vote the same either in person or by proxy; and
in any and every meeting of the stockholders a
quorum for the transaction of business shall be
constituted by a major part of the owners or repre-
sentatives of so much of the stock of the said-com-
pany as, at the time of such meeting, may have
been subscribed for; and every such meeting of
stockholders shall have power to pass, renew, alter
or repeal by-laws or resolutions, which shall be
binding on the officers and agents of said company,
and shall have power to require settlements, state-
ments and accounts relating to the business of said
company from officers and agents in their employ-
ment, and may also dismiss any President, Direc-
tor, officer or agent, and appoint others in their
stead, and in case of any vacancy occurring in the
Presidency or Directors of said company, the re-
maining Directors shall have the power to fill such
vacancy by appointing some stockholder until the
next general election thereafter.
Duty of Pres-
ident and Di-
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That after
the first election of President and Directors, it
shall be their duty annually thereafter to call a
general meeting of the stockholders at such time
and place as they shall appoint 'for the purpose of
electing a President and Directors of said company,
who shall serve for one year and until others are
elected in their place, and for the transaction of
any other business in such meeting as stockholders
as may appertain to the affairs of said company ;
notice of all meetings of. the stockholders to be
given by publication in some newspaper printed
in the city of Cumberland not less than twenty
days before the time of holding such meeting, and
shall specify the time and place thereof.