and eighty-three of Article fourth of the Public
Local Laws, or before any person named as proper
to take a like affidavit by the act of eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-one, chapter seventy-six, passed
June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and sixty-
one, and the same shall be authenticated as pro-
vided for in said last named act.
Sec. 2. The provisions of sections seven hundred
and eighty-four, seven hundred and eighty-five,
seven hundred and eighty-six, seven hundred and
eighty-seven, seven hundred and eighty-eight,
seven hundred and eighty-nine, seven hundred and
ninety and seven hundred and ninety-one, shall
apply to all proceedings under this act.
Sec. 3.This act shall take effect from its passage.
In force.
AN ACT to continue in force the act to incorpo-
rate the Queen Ann's and Kent county Rail
Road Company, chapter one hundred and forty-
nine, session of. eighteen hundred and fifty-six.
Passed Mar.
7, 1864.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Commissioners, Pere Wil-
mer, James T. Earle, John B. Thomas, Stephen
J. Bradley, Lemuel Roberts, William H. Jacobs,
George B. Westqptt, George Vickers, Abel J.
Reese, James W. Skirven, David Clements, and
Caleb W. Spry, or a majority of them, named and
appointed . in the. act to incorporate the Queen
Ann's and Kent county Rail Road Company,
passed at January session in the year eighteen
hundred and fifty-six, shall at any time within
four years after the passage of this act, be and
they are" hereby authorized to do-and perfom the
several duties required of them in the several sec-
tions of said act, anything in said act to the con-
trary notwithstanding, and that said Queen Ann's
and Kent county Rail Road Company may be
ers authorized.