for the services of the Standard Keeper, and direct
him where to return the weights and measures,
after he shall have used them, in his circuit.
Sec. 160. In addition to the salary allowed by
the Commissioners, the Standard Keeper, or Clerk
to the Commissioners (in the absence, of the Stan-
dard keeper, who is hereby empowered to act in
his place) who may perform the duty, shall receive
ten cents for each weight and measure, and fifteen
cents for each scale, beam or steelyards, branded,
marked or stamped, to be paid by the person or
persons for whom the service may be rendered.
Sections ap-
Sec. 161. Sections, three, four, five, eight, ten,
cloven, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen,
twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, and twenty-three,
of the Code of General Laws, are adapted and
made applicable to Queen Ann's county.
Sec. 162. Any person or firm who shall use any
scale, beam, steelyard, or any other instrument,
in violation of the foregoing sections, shall on con-
viction, before any Justice of the Peace having
competent jurisdiction or before the Circuit Court
for each offence, be fined not less than five, nor
more than one hundred dollars, in the discretion
of the Justice or the Court, one half to the informer
and the residue to the county.
In force.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.