summoning of, in Allegany county,
How chosen and duty of Clerk to
Commissions. Secs. 1 and 2.
How box to be opened and summons
to issue. Secs. 3 and 4.
Duty of Sheriff in case of the death,
sickness or removal, he may be directed
to summon. Sec. 5.
List when to be furnished. Sec. 7.
An act to repeal section first of an act
passed at the special session of the Gen-
eral Assembly held in Frederick, April
twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and
sixty-one, entitled, an act to amend the
fourth Article of the Code of Public
Local Laws by repealing the six hun-
dred and third section thereof, relating
to the mode of drawing, in and for the
city of Baltimore, &c., and to author-
ize the Clerks of the Courts of Balti-
more city to supervise the drawing of,