Special tax to continue and be levied
and collected and paid over as other
State taxes are. Sec. 5.
No further certificates to be issued un-
der the act of eighteen hundred and
sixty-four, chapter fifteen, but if arrear-
ages or bounties, under that act remain
unpaid, they are to be paid under this,
Sec. 6.
Mayor and City Council and Commis-
sioners of the counties authorized to
raise money for the purpose of paying
each volunteer, &c., two hundred dol-
lars. Sec. 7.
Mayor and City Council and County
Commissioners prohibited from paying a
larger sum than the sum prescribed in
the seventh section. Sec. 8.
BRADFORD, CHARLES H.— An act to re-im-
burse, taxes imposed by General As-
sembly of Maryland, as inspector of