Resolved, That copies of these resolutions, be
transmitted to the President of the United States,
to the President of the Senate of the United States
and to the Speaker of the House of Reprsenta-
tives, with the request to the said president of the
Senate, and to the Speaker of the House, that the
same be laid before the bodies over which they re-
spectively preside.
Resolved, That copies of these resolutions be also
transmitted to the Senators and Representatives of
the State of Maryland, in the Congress of the
United States, with the request on the part of the
Senate and House of Delegates of this States that
that their best efforts shall be used in giving due
and fit expression to the wishes of the Legislature
of this State as herein set forth.
Assented to
Mar. 16, 1865.
Joint Resolution abolishing the sixth section of the
eighth Article of the Constitution.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Three fifths of the members elected to both Houses
concurring, that the Constitution be and is hereby
amended by striking out the sixth section of Ar-
ticle eight.
Assented to
Mar. 9, 1865.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That his Excellency, the Governor be, and he its
hereby requested to issue a commission in the
usual form to the Honorable John A. J. Creswll,
as Senator to represent the State in the Congress
of the United States for the unexpired term of the
Honorable Thomas Holliday Hicks, deceased,