and by that name shall have succession, and be
able to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded
in any court whatever, and may have a common
seal, and the same alter and renew at pleasure,
and the said company shall have all the powers,
faculties, franchises and rights necessary or "con-
venient for carrying on the mining of coal, and
boring for coal oil and other oil, gases and vapors,
and distilling, refining and preparing the same
for sale and use, and for mining and manufac-
turing iron and other ores, and products of its
property, and selling and disposing of the same,
and for acquiring and holding within the limits of
Allegany county, by lease or purchase, lands,
mines, and erecting factories, machinery, and
equipments convenient or useful for carrying on
its business; provided, the quantity of land held
by it at one time shall not exceed two thousand
acres, and said corporation shall have power to
make such by-laws, rules and regulations as it
may deem necessary from time to time; provided,
the same are not inconsistent with the laws of this
State, or of the United States.
May purchase
railroads, &c.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That to enable said
company to transport the products of their mines,
lands, and manufactories to market, it shall have
power to construct, lease, purchase and hold such
railroads or tram roads within the limits of Alle-
gany county, as it may deem necessary ; and in
surveying, locating, constructing and preserving
such railroads, with their appurtenances and
equipments, it shall have all the powers, rights,
immunities, authorities and privileges which by
the act of eighteen hundred and twenty-six, chap-
ter one hundred and twenty-three, incorporating
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, and par-
ticularly the fifteenth section thereof and its several
supplements, were granted, given and conferred
upon the said Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com-
pany as fully as if the same were herein repeated
and set forth, and said company may connect said
railroad or railroads and tram roads, with any
existing or future railroads in said county, and
the said company shall be bound to transport on
its railroads constructed under this act, and on
any railroad or tram road, which it may purchase,
lease or hold, all persons and property at the