in like manner as is required in other sections of this
act, and shall returri their books or lists of regis-
tration for the differehi counties and the city of
Baltimore, to such officers of registration in the
said city or counties, as the Governor shall desig-
nate, on or before the first day of September, eigh-
teen hundred and sixty-five, and it shall be the duty
of the officers of registration to whom such returns
shall be made, to cause the names so returned to
be registered in the several election districts of
their respective counties or wards in the city of
Baltimore in which said soldiers reside, or are en-
titled to vote; and jn addition to the per diem al-
lowed by this ict to officers of registration, they
shall be allowed their necessary traveling expenses
for the discharge of the duties imposed by this act.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of said officers of registration, after having
received the register of said soldiers, to furnish a
certified copy of the duly qualified voters on such
lists to the County Commissioners of the several
counties and the Mayor of the city of Baltimore,
on or before the fifth day of October, eighteen hun-
dred and sixty-five, to be by them or him trans-
mitted to the Judges appointed to take the votes of
the said soldiers, as directed by law.
Certified copy
of qualified
voters to be
Sec. A. And be it enacted, That the Governor
shall cause to be prepared suitable books for the
registration of names and facts required by this act,
to be furnished to said officers of registration in
each ward in the city of Baltimore and election
district of the several counties, at the cost of said
city and the respective counties, said books to be
so arranged as to admit of the alphabetical classi-
fication of the names, and ruled in parallel columns,
on which sriall be entered, first, the name of the
person registered; second, sworn; third, his age;
fourth, the place of his birth; fifth, the time of resi-
dence in the city of Baltimore and election pre-
cinct or county and election district; sixth, if natu-
ralized, the date of the papers and the court by
which issued; seventh, disqualification, eighth,
qualified voter.
Governor to
furnish books.
Sec . 5. And be it enacted, That the said officers
of registration shall ascertain and register the
names of every white male person, resident in and
temporarily absent from their wards or election
Name to be
registered and
further oath to
be taken.