accurate statement of the condition of the colleges
of the State.
To distnbuti
blank forma.
Sec. 3. To secure uniformity and completeness
in these reports, the State Superintendant is di-
rected to prepare suitable blank forms and to dip-
tribute them when requested to the parties con-
ers, &c., not to
take contract,
SECTION 1. No member of a Board of School
Commissioners shall be interested, directly or in-
directly, in any contract for building school
houses or furnishing articles purchased for the
schools under his charge, whether for permanent
use or immediate consumption.
Annual State
tax of 15 cents
on the $100.
SECTION 1. A State tax of fifteen cents on each
one hundred dollars of taxable property through-
out the State, shall be levied annually for the
support of the free public schools, which tax
shall be collected at the same time and by the
same agents as the general State levy, and shall
be paid into the Treasury of the State, to be dis-
tributed by the Treasurer to the Boards of School
Commissioners of the city of Baltimore and the
several counties in proportion to their respective
population between the ages of five and twenty
Free school
Sec 2. The Treasurer shall pay as heretofore to
each of the counties and the city of Baltimore, the
proportion of the free school fund to which such
city or county is entitled under the provisions of
the laws and resolutions existing at the time this
act is adopted, after deducting the several amount
specially appropriated from the surplus revenue
fund, and he shall pay the same to the Treasurer
of the Board of School Commissioners of Baltimore
city and of the several counties.
Donations tc
be continued.
Sec. 3. The several academies shall respec-
tively receive the donations granted to them by