Sec. 4. These institutes being designed as
temporary Normal Schools, shall be presided over
by the State Superintendent or a Professor of the
State Normal School, assisted by such members of
the Board of School Commissioners who may elect
to attend.
Who shall pre-
Sec. 6. During the session of the institute,
there shall be a vacation of the schools, and an
appropriation shall be made by the Board of
School Commissioners of the county, to pay the
traveling expenses of the Teachers; the Presi-
dent of the County Boards shall select the place
of assembling, and make such arrangements as
will secure to the Teachers a hospitable reception,
and as far as practicable, freedom from expense for
board during the session.
Recess of
Sec. 6. The said President shall report to the
Board of School Commissioners a catalogue of the
names of all persons who shall have attended such
institute, together with such other information as
may be of interest.
Report to be
SECTION 1. There shall be located in the city of
Baltimore, until the Board of Education other-
wise direct, a State Normal School, for the instruc-
tion and practice of Teachers of public schools in
the science of education, and the art of teaching
and the mode of governing schools.
Where located
Sec. 2. The sessions of the State Normal School
shall be held in such suitable building as may be
provided by the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, or they declining so to do, in such building
as the State Superintendent may select, the rent
being charged among the incidental expenses.
School build-
Sec. 3. The Faculty of the Normal School shall
consist of two male and two female Professors,
appointed by the State Board of Education, and
to have such salaries and perform such duties as
they may direct.
Sec. 4. There shall be in each year two sessions
of the School, the first session commencing Sep-
tember fifteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-fire,
and ending December the twentieth; the second
Two sessions
each year.