to discuss questions relating to the condition of the
school house, its site and furniture, and to take
such action as may tend to the improvement of
education, and make the school as good as in the
exercise of a sound discretion they may deem expe-
dient. The meeting shall be organized by the ap-
pointment of a Moderator, who shall preside, and a
Clerk who shall keep a minute of the proceedings.
Clerk to copy
Sec. 3. A copy of all the proceedings of the Dis-
trict meeting shall be made by the Clerk and cer-
tified by the Chairman and forwarded to the Dis-
trict Commissioner, by him to be reported to the
Board of School Commissioners at the next quar-
terly meeting.
Care and con-
trol of School
SECTION 1. The District Commissioner shall have
the care and control of all houses and lands con-
nected therewith within the limits of his district ;
also, of the furniture, apparatus, and other prop-
erty belonging to the district. He shall attend to
all necessary repairs, and charge the cost among
the incidental expenses of the school, to be paid as
such incidental expenses are provided for.
To be built
according to
uniform plans.
Sec. 2. Every school house shall be built and
furnished according to plans and drawings issued
from the office of the State Superintendent, or ac-
cording to plans from County Boards, submitted to
and approved by him ; that proper regard may be
had to light and ventilation, and other matters that
conduce to comfort, health and good order of the
Out buildings.
Sec. 3. Every School House site must be provided
with suitable out-buildings for convenience and
decency ; also, for the protection of fuel and other
articles needed for the good order of the school,
but not proper to be placed in the school-room.
Penalty for
injury to school
Sec. 4. If any person shall willfully injure any
school house, or the buildings and fences connected
therewith, or disfigure the same with paint or
otherwise, or make thereon any obscene words,
figures or devices, or paste thereon any paper or
other material bearing such words, figures or de-
vices, he shall on conviction thereof in the Circuit
Court of the county where the offence was commit-