Clerk to fur-
nish books, &c.
Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That no Commis-
sioner hereby appointed, is hereby authorized, em-
powered and required to record all deeds confirma-
tory executed by himself from extrinsic evidence as
provided in section seven of this act, relating to
property, the record of which has been destroyed
by fire in the office of the Clerk aforesaid, and the
Clerk of the Circuit Court Clerk Baltimore county is
hereby ordered and directed to furnish the said
Commissiotier with the dockets, books and papers
in his office, as well as provide others when re-
quired by said Commissioner, as well as facilitate
the said Commissioner in the performance of the
duties required of him by this act.
Sec. 16. And be it enacted, That the said Com-
missioner, shall be allowed for his services as Com-
missioner, for restoring and completing the resto-
ration of all the burnt records and papers as indi-
cated in this act, and recording and indexing and
filing papers relating to his office, the sum of two
thousand dollars, and it shall be the duty of said
Commissioner, monthly on oath, to present his ac-
count for settlement to the County Commissioner
for Baltimore county.
to pay Com-
Sec. 17. And be it enacted, That the County
Commissioner of Baltimore county are hereby au-
thorized, empowered, directed and required to pay
to the said Commissioner the amount due him,
monthly, when it is proved by his own affidavit,
and when said amount does not exceed one dollar
and fifty cents for each paper restored, and re-
corded according to the provisions of this act, and
is not, in the judgment of the County Commis-
sioners, more than a proportional part of the
whole work agreed to be done by said Commis-
sioner, and for the purpose of carrying into orpera-
tion this act, the said County Commissioners are
authorized, empowered, directed and required to
pay the accounts of said Commissioner, as they are
presented to them by him, out of any funds which
may be on hand at the time when the said Conf-
missioner may present his account, and have the
same charged to the fund appropriated by this act,
and for the purpose of providing the means of car-
rying out the provisions of this act, the said County
Commissioners are hereby authorized, empowered
and required to levy upon the taxable property of