City Council of Baltimore, signify in writing such
intentions, and thereupon a special license may and
shall be granted to such proprietors, by the Comp-
troller, or other proper officer of said city; and for
every special license thus granted, there shall be
paid such sum as is now or shall hereafter become
payable for other hackney carriages by the present
or future ordinances of said city.
145. No hackney carriages which shall be thus
specially licensed shall make use of or go upon, or
stand or wait for employment at any of the public
stands designated by or under the present or any
future ordinances of the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore, or at any other place, or places in
said city, except the premises of the owner thereof,
under a penalty of twenty dollars for every such
offence, one half to be paid to the informer, to be
recovered against either the owner or driver there-
of, as fines of a like amount are now recorded.
146. Each and every proprietor of hackney car-
riages, shall at the time when he applies for a spe-
cial license, or any renewal thereof, furnish the
Comptroller or other proper officer of the city of
Baltimore with a correct statement of the number of
hackney carriages used by him and such owner,
whenever he shall have increased the number of
such hackney carriages, shall report such increase
to the Comptroller, or other proper officer of said
city, and every person violating any one of the
provisions of this section, shall forfeit his license,
and be liable to a penalty of ten dollars.
Correct state-
ment to be fur-
147. The fines and penalties imposed by these
additional sections shall be recovered and collected
in the same manner as other fines and penalties of
a like amount are now recovered and collected,
and shall be paid over to the same parties, for the
same purposes, as is provided for in section one
hundred and forty-eight of this Article.
Fines— how
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from and after the date of its passage.
In force.