made, we warrant their durability for five years under good care, and
will replace with others, all which may not give satisfaction, if applica-
tion be made within the first six months.
The Maryland Institute for the Promotion of Mechanic Arts awarded us the
First Premiums three years in succession, 1848, 1849 and 1850; at their Annual
Exhibition for 1849 we were fortunate enough to receive two First Premiums,
one for our Grand the other for our Square Pianos. To these testimonials we
confidently refer with pride and pleasure, especially as our instruments were
placed in competition with those of the most celebrated manufacturers in the
country. Our Establishment is now the most extensive South, (numbering over
100 workmen,) in which for thirteen years we have labored incessantly, sparing
no pains and expense, to deserve the patronage so liberally bestowed on us. We
have found an ample recompense in the testimonials to which we referred, as well
as in the encomiums of the most celebrated artists visiting our shores, and the
hearty approval and custom of our own Professors and Amateurs.
Orders from the Country attended to with all possible punctuality, and persons
residing at a distance who may favor us with their orders, will find that it is not
less our practice than our interest to send them such Instruments as bear the
strictest scrutiny. The manufacturers will keep all Pianos sold by them in the
City or within one hundred miles of the City, in tune for one year, without charge;
they therefore recommend their Pianos with full confidence, assuring the public
that they are determined not to be undersold by any dealer or manufacturer, and
ask it as a favor of all wishing a good Instrument, to call and examine their stock
before purchasing elsewhere.
N. B. Constantly on hand an assortment of CARHART'S PATENT MELODEONS, at
prices ranging from $50 to $200, for which we are the sole Agents for this city.
We having taken the First Premium
at the last two Exhibitions of the Mary-
land Institute, would call the attention
of those about purchasing to our Stock
of 6, 6| and 7 octave Pianos, which
cannot be excelled by any in the city
for beauty of finish, quality of mate-
rials, or workmanship, the materials
used being seasoned under our imme-
diate direction and having the Iron
Frame. For durability they are fully
warranted, whilst their superiority of
tone and touch is evident, and acknow-
ledged by the most casual observer as
well as the critical connoisseur.
Persons who contemplate purchas-
ing a superior instrument would do
well to call on the subscribers, where
they can he accommodated on the
most pleasing terms.
No. 77 Baltimore Street, Second Floor.