Manufacture their Improved Patent Portable Circular Saw Mills, to go either by Horse Steam or
Water Power. These Mills have won for themselves the reputation of being the best Mills in the
Country, and are now in successful operation in almost every State in the Union, where with the
same power, they are doing more than twice the work of any other mills, and mav safely be an-
nounced amongst the greatest labor-saving; machines of this or any other age Thev have been
twice awarded premiums by the Maryland State Agricultural Society. Thev also manufacture the
best Horse Power in the Country. At the last sjreat Fair of the Maryland State Agricultural .Society
the merits of their Horse Power were so manifest, as to induce the Judges to award it the Highest
Premium, though it had previously been awarded a Premium. It has also received Premium" at
the National Fair, New York, and Pair of the Maryland Institute—strong evidence of its superior
excellence. They likewise manufacture Grist Mills, Corn and Cob Crushers. Thrashing Machines
Corn Planters, Tenoning Machines, Tobacco Presses. Vertical Saws. Boring and Morticing Machines
Post Augers, Cylindrical Straw Cutters, Fanning and Separating Mills, and various other machines
all calculated to economise human labor, time and money.