Mask Charles W., carpenter, 118 S. Charles st.
Maslin Philip T., cabinet maker, 149 Potter st.
Mason Richard, ex. broker, 98 W. Pratt at., h.
90 Wilk st.
—— Wm., grocer, 158 Ann st.
—— Wesley, clerk, 273 S. Charles st.
—— Richard G., craker baker, 98 W. Pratt st.,
h. 43 E. Lombard st.
—— Mrs. Peter, 40 S. Green st.
—— George, carpenter, 150 N. Cove st.
—— John, att'y and agent Md., Del., Dist. Col.
and Western Va., 43 St. Paul st.
—— Edward, grocer, 208 E. Monument st.
—— Benjamin, tailor, 7 E. Monument st.
—— Mrs. Julia Ann, 29 E. Monument st.
—— Charles, grocer, c. Gay and Saratoga sts.
—— Mrs. Mary B., 285 Fayette st.
—— Wm., grocer, 270 Franklin st.
—— John, clerk, 4 Raborg st.
—— Wm., hatter, 123 N. Howard st.
—— Wm., com. mer., 74 Spear's whf., h. 47 E.
Pratt st.
Masonic Hall, c. St. Paul st. and Court House 1.
Mass Samuel, hardware mer., 58 S. Calvert st.,
h. 44 Albemarle st.
—— Samuel, cooper, 120 Franklin st.
Massey Aquila, carpenter, 53 N. Exeter st.
Massicott Capt. Wm., 52 Albemarle st.
Masson Capt, Wm., grocer, 277 Wilk st.
Masterman Charles A., baker, 88 French st.
Masterson Chas., sail cloth weaver, 17 Penna. av.
Matchem Thomas, carpenter, 25 Garden st.
Matchett Richard J., book &. job printer, 53 S.
Gay st., h. 28 N. Frederick st.
Mathers &, Gosnell, mer. tailors, 7 N. Howard st.
—— James, of firm, h. 274 Lexington st.
Mathiot A. & J. B., chair makers, 21 N. Gay st.
—— Augustus, of firm, h. 50 S. High st.
—— John B., of firm, 57 N. Front st.
—— Mrs. Elizabeth, 82 S. High st.
—— George, math. Inst, maker, 17 Comet st.
Mathison John, collar maker, 91 Harrison st., h.
19 Jackson st.
Mathtes George, boot & shoe mak., 106 Penn. av.
Matthews Thomas J., millwright, 28 Centre st.
—— Mrs. Susan, 128 N. Eutaw st.
— Joshua, vinegar maker, 107 McElderry's
whf., h. 125 N. Exeter st.
— John, carpenter, 22 Rock st.
— Oulds & Co., dry goods mers,, 273 W.
Baltimore st.
— Mrs. Ann, 130 Lee st.
—— John, grocer, 23 W. Lombard st.
—— Mrs Priscilla, b. h., 136 McHenry st.
—— James, shoemaker, 2 N . Front st.
—— Joseph, lumber mer., E. Falls avenue, h.
32 N. Front st.
— Thomas, lumber mer., 93 N. High st.. h. 100
N. High st.
—— Elizabeth, 18 Balderston st.
—— Thomas R., com. mer., 10 Bowly's wharf.
Mattie Wm., boot & shoe mak., 197 S. Bond st.
Mattlngley John, watchman, 74 Montgomery st.
Mattocks Wm., ship carpenter, 254 Happy alley.
Mottox Mrs. Rachel, tavern, 11 Fish Market sp.
Maudrich Henry, tailor, 20 S. Spring st.
Maughlin Wm., carpenter, 26 Aisquith st.
Maulsby David L., grocer, 113 N. High st.
Maund Mrs. M., 314 Lexington st.
Maureau Mrs. Louisa, 132 N. Paca st.
Maurer Henry, confectioner 104 N. Howard st.
—— Mrs. Louisa, 9 E. Pratt st.
Maurer Adolpb, second-hand dealer, 32 Harrison.
Maxfield John, laborer, 268 W, Pratt st.
Maxwell D. &, A., stone cutters, c. Eutaw and
Saratoga sts.
—— David, of firm, h. 273 N. Howard st.
—— John W. stone cutter, 38 North st., h. 14
Chew st.
—— Samuel, engineer, 262 Fleet st.
—— George, engineer, 247 Fleet st.
—— Alexander, shoe finding store, 170 N. Gay
st. and 9 Ensor st.
—— James, stone cutter, 144 W. Lombard st.,
h. 108 W. Madison st.
May Solomon, huckster. 149 Ensor st.
—— James A., chair maker, 120 Fayette st.
—— Edw., carpenter, 18 Marion, h. 116 N. Paca.
May bury Thos., measurer of buildings, 32 Pearl.
—— Thomas, lime and hair dealer, 27 N. Green.
Maydwell John, constable 69 Harrison st.
—— Wm. B., bricklayer, 34 Pitt st.
Mayer Charles F., att'y, 2 Courtland st., h. 37
Franklin st.
—— Henry C., att'y, 56 Fayette st.
—— Brantz, att'y, 82 St. Paul st.
—— Philip, tailor, 45 Albemarle st.
—— Frederick, mer. tailor, 168 W. Pratt St., h.
136 E. Madison st.
Mayes Robert, stone mason, 168 E. Madison st.
—— Washington, stone mason, 51 French st.
Mayfield James, carpenter, 151 Saratoga st.
—— John, trunk maker, 155 Lexington st.
—— J. J., 488 W. Baltimore st.
Mayger &, Washington, machinists &, engineers,
21 S. Front st.
—— Richard, of firm, h. 79 E. Pratt st.
Mayhew Wm. E., pres. Farmers' and Planters'
Bank, 37 St. Paul st.
Maynard Richard F., firm of R. Sinclair, Jr. &
Co., 65 Hill st.
—— Wm., carpenter, 54 Hill st.
Mayo John, porter cellar, 87 N. Gay st.
McAlear Mrs. M., tavern, 188 Lexington st.
McAleese Archibald, 122 Saratoga st.
—— Richard, grocery and liquor store, 213 S.
Caroline st.
—— Mrs. Phebe, 57 Granby st.
McAllister Archibald, grocer, 109 Albemarle st.
—— Mrs. Sarah, tailoress, 35 S. High st.
—— George, drayman, 194 N. Exeter st.
—— Robert A., magistrate, 259 S. Bond st., h.
194 Wilk st.
—— Capt. Richard, 38 German st.
—— Wm., hatter, 62 Holland st.
—— Mrs. Mary, 361 N. Gay st.
—— Alexander, grocer, 244 Franklin st.
McAvoy Francis, dry goods mer., 686 W. Balto.
—— Hugh, grocer, c. Mulberry &, Park sts.
McBlair Michael, 76 N. Calvert st.
McCabe Michael, laborer, 11 Buren st.
—— James laborer, 9 Mercer st.
—— Henry H., 81 Pitt st.
—— George W., clerk, 77 N. Exeter st.
McCaddin Daniel, shoemaker, 123 N. Front st.
—— John, boot &, shoe maker, 1 Thomsen st.
McCafferty Patrick, huckster, 18 Clay st.
—— Arthur, bonnet presser, 84 Lexington st.
—— Ann, dry goods store, 161 Hanover st.
—— Miss Mary, dry goods store, 432 W. Balto.
—— Mrs. Ann, cake shop, 29 York st.
McCaffrey Mrs. Catharine, 175 N. Eutaw st.
—— Mrs. Jane, tavern, 45 S. Frederick st.
—— Mrs. Mary, Frederick st. near Gay st,