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Baltimore Wholesale Business Directory and Business Circular for the Year 1845
Volume 528, Page 86   View pdf image (33K)
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Lyons Mrs. Martha, tavern keeper, 54 Light st.
__ Miss Elizabeth E. A., mantua maker, 187
S. Charles st.
—— Mrs. Charlotte, grocer, 114 S. Charles st.
—— John, tanner, 304 Forrest st.
—— Cornelius, engraver, 14 Hawk st.
—— Elijah, carpenter, 51 Apple alley.
— Mrs. Catharine, 7 Silver st.
Lyshur Zephaniah, grocer, 142 N. Cove st.
LytieRobt. A., watchmak. & jeweller, 7 S. Gay.

MABEE Thaddeus, mer. tailor, 38 W. Pratt st.
MacBride Anthony, 61 N. Paca st.
Maccabee Matthew, carpenter, 85 York st.
Maccubin Rob. W., plane maker, 12 McClellan
st., h. 22 McClellan st.
—— Samuel, brush maker, 137 N. Gay st.
—— Thomas C., firm of Duvall & Maccubin,
240 N. Gay st.
—— Joshua, tailor, 137 French st.
—— James, iron moulder, 236 Light st.
—— Nelson R., wheelwright, 47 North st., h.
287 N. Gay st.
Macher John, laborer, 85 Granby st.
—— John Samuel, cabinet maker, c. Eutaw &
Conway sts., h. 154 S. Sharp st.
—— Benjamin, painter, 63 Raborg st.
—— Wm. O., cabinet maker, 101 S. Eutaw st.
Macilroy Thomas, com. mer., 77 Light st. whf.
Mackall Dr. Leonard, surgeon dent., 64 Saratoga.
__ Brien T., saddle & harness maker, 42 South.
Mackenheimer Frederick, grocer, 42 Park st.
—— Mrs. Jane, fancy store, 76 Hanover st., h.
62 Camden st.
Mackenzie Dr. John P., c. Lexington & St. Paul.
—— Dr. James S., office c. Lexington & St.
Paul sts., h. 21 Lexington st.
—— & Co., druggists, 68 W. Balto, c. Gay st.
—— Thomas G., h. 21 Lexington st.
—— Mrs. Sarah, 21 Lexington st.
—— Thomas, imp. of saddlery, 222 W. Balto.
st., h. 93 N. Charles st.
—— Evan, shoemaker,. 20 Ross st.
—— James, carpenter, 2 Apple alley.
—— Colin, butcher, 42 N. Spring st.
Mackey John, grocer, 243 Fleet st.
—— Philip, bricklayer, 224 Saratoga st.
Mackin Mrs. Sarah, 136 N. Howard st.
—— Francis, carter, 73 Jefferson st.
—— Mrs. Mary, shopkeeper, 40 Potter st.
Mackle Bernhardt, laborer, 258 S. Bond st.
Macklin John, shoemaker, 21 State st.
—— John, stone sawyer, 30 Liberty alley.
Mackubbin Rich., inspector of customs, 53 Pitt.
Macomber Gideon, stone cutter, 25 Columbia st.
Mactavish John, British Consul, 30 Second st.
Mactier Sainl., miller, mill 2 miles on Frederick
road, store 78 Spear's whf., res. City Hotel.
Madden David, blacksmith, 43 Columbia st.
—— Thomas, bar-keeper, h. Wine alley.
— John F., plasterer, 104 Lee st.
Maddox Daniel H., carpenter, 185 E. Pratt st.
—— John, car maker, 9 Rock st.
— T., boot maker, 12 Light st.
—— Charles T., asst. postmaster, 87 N. Charles.
Maderweller Mathias, laborer, 275 Alice Anna st.
Maffei Angelo, dry goods mer., 48 Marsh Mar. sp.
jewelry and fancy store, 78 W. Pratt st.
Maffitt John, laborer, 96 Dover st.
— Thomas, wood dealer, 128 Conway st.

Mager Martin, blacksmith, 211 Raborg st.
Magers Elias, tobacconist, 76 W. Pratt st.
__ George W., teacher, 181 Columbia st.
Magill John, furniture store, 45 N. Eutaw st.
—— Daniel, feed mer., 81 Penna. av.
Magness Benjamin, chair maker, 14 Aisquith st,
Magrath John, grocery and liquor store, 185 S.
Charles st.
Magraw Thomas, brickmaker, 269 Saratoga st.
—— Robert M., firm of Rogers & Magraw, h.
169 W. Lombard st.
Magruder Mrs. R. B., 54 Saratoga st.
—— John R., com. mer., 125 W. Pratt st., h. 85
Camden st.
—— James B., U. S. N., 105 St. Paul st.
—— J. H., paper hanger, 23 N. Howard st.
Maguire Hugh, baker, 190 S. Charles st.
—— Thomas, laborer, 19 Montgomery st.
—— Catharine, tavern keeper, 39 W. Lombard.
—— Thos., grocer &. tavern keeper, 30 Union.
—— Patrick C., shoemaker, 27 Buren st.
—— Margaret, 58 Holliday st.
—— James L., magistrate, c. Charles & Lom-
bard sts., h. 17 George st.
—— Dr. Charles, 53 N. Frederick st.
—— James, baker, 71 Potter st.
—— John A., carpenter, 111 N. Eden st.
Mahaney John, bookbinder, rear of 262 W. Bal-
timore st., h. 52 Carpenters alley.
Maher John, carpenter, 28 Union st.
—— Joseph, carpenter, 30 Union st.
Mahr Peter, shoemaker, 249 Ann st.
Mainly Thomas, 95 Orleans st.
Mainster Mrs. Sarah, 132 N. Eden st.
Majurer Henry, carpet weaver, 95 Low st.
Makepeace Royal, 51 St. Paul st.
Malcom Peter, flour and feed mer,, 1 Wood st.,
h. 17 N. Calvert st.
—— James, att'y, c. Lexington &, Courtland sts.
Male Wm., clothier, 124 S. Bond st.
Mallon Henry, carter, 90 N. Exeter st.
—— James, 95 Pine st.
Mallonee Mrs. Mary, 245 N. Canal st.
—— John, carpenter, 275 Saratoga st.
—— John, clerk, 198 Fayette st.
Malone John, seamen's board, house, 65 Thames.
Maloney Mrs. Elizabeth, 135 N. Paca st.
Malough Henry, shoemaker, 49 Clay st.
Maloy Mrs. Mary, 223 E. Balto st.
—— &, Co., mer. tailors, 102 N. Howard st.
Malseed Samuel, furnit. wagoner, 69 Richmond.
Man John, Farrier, 136 N. Eutaw st.
Manaar Madam, 22 S. Spring st.
Manaca, silk & straw millinery store, 26 N. Paca.
Mankin Isaiah, shipping and com. mer., c. Pratt
and Gay sts., h. 49 Courtland st.
—— Henry, firm of Clark & Kellogg, residence
Mt. Pleasant, Baltimore eo.
Manly John, 125 S. Exeter st.
——George, city bailiff, 220 E. Lombard st.
—— Wm. E., trimmings store, 3 Holiiday st.
—— John, porter, 14 N. Paca st.
Mann Joseph R., type and stamp maker, 129 N
Exeter st.
—— John J., iron mer., 113 Thames st., h. 217
Fleet st.
—— Ernest, clerk, 197 Fayette st.
—— Patrick, laborer, 21 Bank st.
—— George, tinner, 38 Stirling st.
—— Wm., 116 Camden st.
Manner James B. , shoemaker, 61 McElderry st.
Manning & Lee, hardware mers., 25 S. Charles.


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Baltimore Wholesale Business Directory and Business Circular for the Year 1845
Volume 528, Page 86   View pdf image (33K)
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