Degrofft Abraham, carpenter, 803 W. Balto, st.
De Gruchy John, 125 E. Baltimore st.
Deibel Peter, baker, 675 W. Baltimore st.
Deihui John P., shoemaker, 172 Saratoga st.
Deikel John, shoemaker, 74 Hamburg st.
Deil Andrew, laborer, 47 Lancaster st.
— Henry, tailor, 181 Alice Anna st.
— Christian, baker, 31 Ensor st.
Deilheimmer John, huckster, 26 Lancaster st.
Deitzel Michael, shoemaker, 45 Albemarle st.
De Lachelle Huit, professor oflanguages, 33 S.
Paca st.
Delacour James P., com. mer., 322 W. Balto, st.,
h. 286 Lexington st.
—— Lewis, bricklayer, 68 George st.
Delahay James C., ladies' shoemaker, 158 Sar-
atoga st.
Delaney Mrs. Hannah, 24 President st.
—— Robert, manufacturer of Indian vegetable
bitters, 19 W. Lombard st.
Delano Joseph, ship carpenter, 12 Comet st.
Delcher John, huckster, 92 N. Canal st.
—— John, painter, 38 Constitution st.
—— John, brewer, 57 Columbia st.
— John, huckster, 66 Pitt st.
—— Wm. George, painter, 33 Orleans st.
Delevie Solomon, clothing and hat store, 16 Har-
rison St.
Delius Wm. M., prop, of Lafayette Hall, 80 N.
Eden st.
Delfel Frederick, cooper, 333 S. Bond st.
Dellevie Samuel, tobacconist, 18 W. Pratt st.
Deloste Francis &, Son, watchmakers & jewellers,
18 E. Baltimore st.
De Loughery Dr. Edward, 37 Pitt st.
Demangin Charles, bookbinder, 40 Ross st.
—— Francis A., baker, 280 N. Howard st.
Demelman Joseph, optician, 138 W. Lombard st.
Demerest Mrs. Eineline, 135 N. Exeter st.
De Merritt A. Columbus, com. mer., 168 Pitt st.,
h. 176 Pitt st.
Dsmpsey Timothy, custom house watchman, 30
N. Exeter st.
—— Owen, baker, 10 Perry st.
Dempster John, paper hanger, 36 Cross st.
Demuth John, constable, 11 Rock st.
Denaker Asbury, candle maker, 74 Hillen st.
Denbir Felix, 24 Wagon alley.
Denboar Mrs. Julia, tailoress, 4 Stirling st.
Dengle Philip, boot & shoe maker, 24 East st.
—— Henry, carpet weaver, 27 Granby st.
Denison, Conain & Co., floor cloth manufac-
turers, 23 S. High st.
— Edward, of firm, 577 W. Baltimore st.
— James, 5 Orleans st.
— Marcus, grocer, 51 W. Baltimore st., h. 13
S. Gay st.
—— Edward F., 23 Chew st.
- Mrs. Elizabeth, grocer, 102 N. Eden st.
— John, plasterer, 114 N. Eden st.
Denmead A. & W., proprietors of Monument
foundry, c. Monument & North sts.
—— Wm., of firm, 65 Stirling st.
— Thomas, machinist, 174 N. Cove st.
Dennis Wm., 8 Rock st.
— Benjamin M., paper hanger, 14 Rock st.
— Heury, cake seller, 67 Camden st.
— Frederick, ship carpenter, 323 Wilk st.
Denny Peter, marble polisher, 155 S. Sharp st.
— & Randolph, lumber mers., 158 Thames st
— Mrs. Elizabeth, 114 E. Pratt st.
— Wm., ship joiner, 36 Fell st.
Denny Mrs. Mary E., 309 N. Gay st.
—— Mrs. Mary, 34 Constitution st.
—— Thomas, seed store, over N. E. c. Gay and
Pratt sts , h. 112 S. High st.
Denoe Thomas, grocer, 646 W. Baltimore st.
Denson John, cabinet maker, 144 Saratoga st.
—— & Griest, grocers and com. mers., 90 Light
st. whf.
—— Isaac M., of firm, 46 S. High st.
Dent Charles, boot & shoe maker, 64 W. Balto.
st., h. 68 Holland st.
Dentry R. B. & Co., coffee roasters, 307 N. How-
ard st.
Deon Michael, carter, 43 N. High st.
Depository of S. S. Union and Bible Societies,
15 S. Calvert st.
Depot of Baltimore and Susquehanna R. R. Co.,
63 North st.
—— of Philada., Wilmington and Baltio. R. R
Co., Pratt st. W. of Light st.
—— of Balto, and Ohio R. R. Co., Pratt st., W
of Light st.
Depra Augusta, 245 Ann st.
Deptford Engine House, c. Gough st. and Straw
berry al.
Derburrier Mrs. Martha, 320 E. Monument st.
DeRonceray the Misses, music teachers, 101 S
High st.
Derr Wm., carpenter, 21 N. Cove st.
Despada Charles D., clerk, 60 Stiles st.
Despeaux Joseph, cabinet maker, 41 Philpot st
—— Anthony, ship carpenter, 16 Philpot st.
—— Mrs. Eliza, teacher, 160 Ann st.
—— Mrs. Ann, 90 S. Caroline st.
Desvareaux Joseph, grocer, 93 McElderry whl
—— James, shoe finding store, 122 N. Gay st.
h. 106 N. Exeter st.
—— James, shoe finding store, 111 Lexington st
Detering G., coach maker, 11 N. Frederick st.
h. 37 German st.
Dettman Herman, engineer, 153 Hollins st.
Devalin Hugh, blacksmith, 95 Harrison st, h. 4
N. Front st.
Devalingen Mrs. Wilhelmina, b. h. 79 Thames st
Devier Wm.., carpenter, 204 Pitt st., c. Caroline
Deville Francis, fancy store, 133 W. Balto, st.
Devine Francis, chandler, 20 S. Front st.
Deviney Mrs. Jane, seamstress, 237 Forrest st
Devouge Alphonse, hair dresser and fancy store
145 W. Baltimore st.
Devries Wm., firm of Slingluff & Devries, h.
Pine st.
Dew Mrs. Jane, tailoress, 75 E. Lombard st.
Dewald Christopher, seaman, 239 Light st.
Dewling Thomas, blacksmith, 91 Montgomery s
De Wolf Jacob, clothing store, 10 Harrison st.
Dexter L. W., baker, 136 Lexington st.
De Young Mrs. Mary, 12S French st.
Diamond John, cooper, 135 Ann st.
Dickel George H., mer. tailor, 125 Light st. whf
h. 274 Light st.
—— Mrs. Catharine, 39 Biddle al.
Dickerson George W., 74 S. Caroline st.
—— Capt. David B., grocer, 42 S. Bond st.
—— Peter, carpenter, 3 Pearl st.
Dickey Michael S., lottery &, exchange deale
1 Light st., h. 215 Aisquith st.
—— George S., firm, of Willie & Dickey, 30
Conway st.
—— Wm. James, grocer, 331 Mulberry st.
—— Patrick, domestic manuf., 386 Saratoga st
Dickinson —— , carpenter, 45 N. Sharp st.