Cook Frederick, Sr., butcher 98 Montgomery st.
__ Thomas, shoemaker, 124 French st.
__ Addison A., blacksmith, 28 Conway st.,
h. 43 Henrietta st.
—— Frederick, Jr., butcher, 96 Montgomery st.
—— George A., dealer in millinery goods, 193
W. Pratt st.
—— Wm., printer, 20 Mott st.
—— Christian, coal agent, 98 Hamburg st.
—— Lewis Gaspert, fan maker, 108 Hamburg st.
—— John, domestic manuf., 54 N. Cove st.
—— Joel M., tailor, 39 S. High st.
—— Mrs. Angeline, teacher, 63 Pearl st.
—— Charles, clerk, 35 Holliday st.
—— G. Lewis, baker, 394 Saratoga st.
—— Sarah, 67 Harford av.
—— Jacob, firm of Hays, Zell, Ridgely &, Cook,
178 Saratoga st.
—— Alexander, printer, 162 E. Monument st.
—— John F., printer and grocer, 51 Ensor st.
—— Lewis V., house and sign painter, 116 S.
Howard st.
—— Henry W., grocer, 64 German st., h. 131 S.
Paca st.
—— Mrs. Lucy, 98 Franklin st.
—— Wm. G., watchmaker, 48 Albemarle st.
—— Henry, cabinet maker, 36 Douglass st.
Cooke Henry W., dry goods mer., c. Lombard
and Hanover sts.
—— Wm. &, Sons, com. mers., 75 Light st. whf.
—— Wm., of firm, h. 56 Franklin st.
—— Daniel, coach maker, 146 N. Cove st.
—— J., clothier, 127 N. Howard st.
—— Mrs. Mary, 26 Fawn st.
Cockey Capt. C. H., 284 E, Baltimore st.
Cookman Mrs. Mary, teacher, 101 Mulberry st.
Cooksey Wm., ship carpenter, 290 Fleet st.
Cooley Edward, cabinetmaker, 107 Garden st.
Coombs Moses S., painter, 208 Ann st.
—— John, iron moulder, 161 Pitt st.
Coon John, cooper, 61 Burgundy al.
Coonan Michael, blacksmith, 60 Lancaster st.
—— Daniel, laborer, 189 Apple al.
—— Daniel, clothier, 70 Marsh Market space.
Coonay Lawrence, grocer, 30 S. Eutaw st.
Cooney Christopher, grocer, 148 Pitt st.
—— Patrick, cooper, 128 Thames st.
Coonigs George, brass founder, 131 Wilk st.
Cooper Mrs. Margaret, b. h., 36 Marion st.
—— Mrs. Ann, grocer, 142 Thames st.
—— & Abrahams, ship builders, Philpot st.
—— Hugh A., of firm, h. 179 Broadway.
—— Eiisha, carpenter, 189 S. Bond st.
—— John, tavern keeper, 31 Thames st.
—— &, James, tobacconists, 54 Thames st.
—— Martin, carter, 169 Alice Anna st.
—— Christopher, carter, 169 Alice Anna st.
—— Capt. Edward O., 203 Fleet st.
—— Matthew H., seaman, 126 Ann st.
—— John, shopkeeper, 149 Bank st.
—— Mrs. Jane, 8 N. Caroline st.
—— John, carpenter, 213 Apple al.
—— Thomas, chair maker, 230 Pitt st.
—— Wm., tavern keeper, 188 N. Gay st.
—— Alexander, druggist, 102 Orleans st.
— Joseph, carpenter, 10 Hillen st.
—— Sarah, washer, 30 Clay st.
—— Wells, tailor, 28 N. Liberty st.
—— James bootmaker, 18 Pine st.
— James, tavern keeper, 3 Marsh Market sp.
—— Mary Ann, trimming store, 179 S. Charles.
—— John, brushmaker, 15 W. Lombard st.
Cooper Margaret, grocer, 85 Jefferson st.
—— George E., blacksmith, 108 N. Front st.
h. 17 Stirling st.
—— Francis A., shoemaker, 136 Forrest st.
—— John, tavern keeper, 35 N. Eutaw st.
__ Samuel, milkman, 259 Biddle st.
—— Wm., mahogany sawyer, 136 S. Paca st.
Coozer Daniel, laborer, 502 W. Pratt st.
Copeland Nathaniel, 66 George st.
Copenhaven Aug., paper hanger, 245 Broadway
Copes Major Vincent, brickmaker, 151 N. Eden
Copperman John, car driver, 10 S. Gay st.
—— Peter, car driver, 10 S. Gay st.
Coran Joseph, ladies' shoemaker, 34 Columbia st
Corbell Peter, grocer, 83 Orleans st.
Corbin Martin, cooper, 39 Commerce st.
Corbitt Isaac, umbrella maker, 12 W. Balto, st
Cordery Mrs. Maria. 154 E. Baltimore st.
—— Mrs. Maria, 119 N. Eden st.
Cordus Henry, shoemaker, 246 E. Baltimore st
Corey Benjamin J., saddler, 93 N. Eutaw st.
Cork Eli, carpet weaver, 169 Orleans st.
Corkran Charles, teller Farmers and Plasters
Bank, h. 131 Hanover st.
—— Wm., clerk, 133 Hanover st.
—— Francis S., grocer, 295 W. Pratt st.
—— John, stone cutter, 349 W. Lombard st.
Cornelius Nicholas, grocer and feed mer., 157
Forrest st.
—— Peter, boatman, 11 Gough st.
—— Mrs. Susannah, 352 N. Gay st.
—— Nicholas A., grocer, 135 Hillen st.
Cornell Michael, carpenter, 237 Franklin st.
Corner St Brothers, grocers and com. mers. lower
end Frederick st. whf.
—— Thomas, of firm, 1 N. Exeter st.
—— B. Mezick, of firm, 169 Broadway.
—— Mrs. Sarah, 169 Broadway.
—— Patrick, laborer, 287 Alice Anna st.
—— John, moulder, 225 E. Pratt st.
—— Capt. John B., 165 Ann st.
—— James, sail loft, 271 Ann st.
—— Solomon, firm of Keller & Corner, 80 E
Baltimore st.
Cornetto Francis, mariner, 193 S. Bond st.
Cornhaas John, porter, 9 Buren st.
Cornish Charles, mariner, 211 S. Charles st.
Cornpropt Ignatius, drover, 216 Light st.
Cornthwait Robert, hatter, 37 N. Liberty st.
—— John Oliver, 48 Broadway.
—— Mrs. Ann, b. h. 135 Fleet st.
—— Robert, hatter, 129 E. Baltimore st.
Corpru Moses, boiler maker, 168 E. Balto, st.
Corrie James, tavern keeper, 67 Hanover st.
—— James, Jr., carpenter, 67 Hanover st.
Corrigan Bartholomew, clothier, 87 Thames st
—— Patrick, chandler, 134 S. Canal st.
Corties John, cabinet maker, 103 S. Paca st.
Cortlan James & Son, tinners, 18 W. Balto, st
—— James, of firm, 34 E. Baltimore st.
Corwin Mrs. Elizabeth, seamstress, 23 York st
Cosgrove Patrick, grocer, 60 Wilk st.
—— Peter, tavern, 10 N. Liberty st.
Cosix John, brushmaker, 19 Hampstead st.
Coskery Rev. Henry, 84 Centre st
Cosmelli John, grocer, 222 E. Lombard st.
Coss George, grocer, 116 St. Paul st.
Costello Mrs. Mary, tailoress, 133 S. Bond st.
—— James I., dry goods mer., 165 N. Gay st.
Costigan Wm., ship joiner, 260 Fleet st.
Costolay Edward, 67 Ross st.
Cotter Richard, grocer, 238 N. Howard st.