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Baltimore Wholesale Business Directory and Business Circular for the Year 1845
Volume 528, Page 34   View pdf image (33K)
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Brown George W., turner, 5 Spring court.
—— Mrs. Ann B., 20 Salisbury.
—— Mrs. Ann, feed store, 6 Second st.
—— Nicholas V., grocer, 56 Second st.
—— & Brune, att'ys, 44 St. Paul st.
—— George Wm., of firm, 97 St. Paul st.
—— John, fisherman, 27 S. Front st.
—— Wm., shoemaker, 87 Salisbury st.
—— Mrs. Jane, 55 S. High st.
—— John, carpenter, 45 N. High st., h. 104 N.
High st.
—— Wash., tea dealer & grocer, 121 N. High st.
—— Mrs. Mary, 120 Albemarle st.
—— Joseph, tailor, 45 Forrest st.
—— Mrs. Eliza Jane, 174 N. Exeter st.
—— Wm., turner & tavern keeper, 197 S.
Caroline st.
—— Thomas S., shoemaker, 132 S. Caroline st.
—— & Thomas, dry goods iners., 223 Broadway.
—— Peter, seaman, 62 Lancaster st.
—— Edward, carter, 70 Lancaster st.
—— Mrs. Mary, 162 fleet st.
—— George F., seaman, 164 Fleet st.
—— Charles, seaman, 224 Fleet st.
—— Wm., carpenter, 140 Ann st.
—— James, variety store, 59 Granby st.
—— Mrs. Charlotte, 64 Happy alley.
—— Martin, engraver, 183 German st.
—— Ira, carpenter, 13 N. Sharp st.
—— Rev. Richard, 18 Holland st.
—— George W., shoemaker, 47 Holland st.
—— Wm., clerk, 112 Raborg st.
—— Abraham, butcher, 1 Haw st.
—— Erasmus, huckster, 3 Haw st.
—— James, carter, 19 Haw st.
__ Abraham, tailor, 244 N. Gay st.
—— Joseph, shoemaker, 122 French st.
—— John, cabinet maker, 80 Orleans st.
—— John S., ship carpenter, 15 William st.
—— John C., tinner, 32 Ensor st.
—— Nicholas S., carpenter, 240 Biddle st.
—— John, grocer & feed mer., 168 Ensor st.
—— Mrs. Elizabeth, 49 Mulliken st.
—— James, com. mer., h. 80 W. Monument st.
—— George, 28 Harford av.
—— Mrs. Elizabeth, 18 Buren st.
—— George A., firm of Bowie & Brown, 230 E.
Monument st.
—— James V., watchmaker, 125 Hillen st.
—— Mrs. Mary, 54 Jefferson st.
—— Jehu, bridge & wharf builder, 115 E. Balto.
—— Joseph, tailor, 9 Lloyd st.
—— Benjamin, contractor, 306 Forrest st.
—— Joseph, magistrate, 66 Camden st.
—— Mrs. Amelia, 14 Raborg st.
—— Elizabeth, tailoress, 21 East st.
—— Samuel, rigger, 138 Thames st.
Browne & Owens, wholesale dry goods mers.,
309 W. Baltimore st.
Browning Samuel, mathematical instr. maker
59 W. Pratt st.
—— Win., painter, 90 Orleans st.
—— Edward, firm of Croxall & Browning, h
342 Light st.
—— Wm. S., hardware mer., 333 W. Pratt st.
—— Ritson, carpenter, 13 Commerce st., h. 77
S. Eden st.
—— Win. S., treasurer Green Mount Cemetery,
office c. Fayette & North sts., h. 83 S. Paca.
— Mrs. Mary, 179 E . Baltimore st.
Brownley Dr. Joseph, 3 S. Exeter st.
Brownsman Henry, boot & shoe mak., 132 Fleet.

Bruce Mrs. Ann, 33 Hill st.
—— Jeptha, tailor, 36 Stirling st.
—— James, iron moulder, 76 Montgomery st.
—— Robert, truss & bandage maker, 136 W
Lombard st.
—— John, stone cutter, 21.1 Biddle st.
—— John M., copper smith, 81 N. Eden st.
—— Wm., grocer, 191 Aisquith st.
Bruckner Daniel, boot maker, 56 Ross st.
Bruehl Geo., boot & shoe maker, 240 S. Charles.
—— Justis, baker, 323 S. Bond st.
Bruff John W., 145 N. High st.
Bruggeman Fred., carpenter, 185 W. Madison.
Brun Francis, fancy store, 7 Holliday st.
—— Madam, worsted &, fancy store, 42 N.
Howard st.
Brundige Jas. & Son, com. mers., 79 Bowly's whf.
—— James, of firm, h. 66 N. Calvert st.
Brune F. W. & Sons, com. & shipping mers.,
89 Smith's whf.
—— F. W., of firm, h. 73 N. Calvert st.
—— J. C., of firm, h. 27 Franklin st.
—— Henry, rigger, 261 Wilk st.
Brunei & Mitchell, mer. tailors, 4 E. Pratt st.
Bruner Andrew, tobacconist, 54 Pearl st.
—— Mrs. Phebe, 111 Camden st.
—— Daniel, prop, of Episcopal book depository,
4 N. Charles st.
—— Wm. S., clerk at American office, h. 172
E. Madison st.
Brunert J. H., boot & shoe maker, 48 S.Charles.
Brunning Herman, cab. mak., 105 S. Eutaw st.
Bruscup Corn., carpenter, 275 E. Baltimore st.

—— Albert, tailor, 94 N. Eden st.
—— Thomas, tailor, 70 N. Gay st.
Brushmiller Mrs. Barbara, 13 Harford av.
Bryan John G., hardware mer., 110 N. Gay st.
—— Christopher, stove manufacturer, 49 S. Cal-
vert st, h. 90 S. Eutaw st.
Brynan Miss Mary, 92 Block st.
Bryson James, at Merchants' bank, 107 Wilk st.
—— Hugh, shoemaker, 121 N. Spring st.
Bubert John, box maker, 66 York st.
Buchanan Mrs. Elizabeth, 32 Fayette st.
—— James, druggist, 53 N. Liberty st.
—— Jas. M., att'y, 19 North st., h. 1 Lexington.
—— Miss P., 22 N. Gay st.
Buchta John, blacksmith, 47 Harrison st.
Buchwalter Abraham, produce mer., 379 W.
Baltimore st., h. 111 Conway st.
Buck Benjamin & Son, sail makers, over 93
Smith's whf.
—— Benjamin, of firm, h. 85 E, Pratt st.
—— Benjamin C., of firm, h. 107 S. High st.
—— James, butcher, 35 Ross st.
—— Jacob, band box maker, 7 Wagon alley.
—— B. A., exchange broker, 204 W. Balto, st.
—— Mrs. Jane, 104 Barre st.
—— John, hardware mer., 58 W. Pratt st., h. 91
E. Pratt st.
—— Capt. Charles, 113 S. Exeter st.
—— John M., 5 S. Exeter st.
—— James, 29 Shakspeare st.
—— Wm. H., firm of R. Porter & Co., h. 67 E.
Pratt st.
—— Mrs. Agnes, 102 Pitt st.
—— C., confectioner, 26 N. Church st.
Buckey Daniel H., wholesale dry goods mer.,
293 W. Baltimore st., h. 29 HolFins st.
Buckingham Joel, carpenter, 268 E. Monument.
—— Sam'l, inspector steam engines,289 Light st.
—— Thomas K., 3 Gold's court.


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Baltimore Wholesale Business Directory and Business Circular for the Year 1845
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