For the Assurance of $100 on a SINGLE LIFE.
[See page image for table]
The following examples are given of the Profits distributed at the last, annual
meeting of the Society, which was held in London in May, 1844.
[See page image for table]
This Institution, founded on the Mutual and Joint Stock principle, embraces all
the recent improvements ia the science of Life Insurance, Proposals from per-
sons residing in this City and State and in the District of Columbia, whether for
whole term of life (with or without profits) or for a limited period, will be re-
ceived by the subscriber and forwarded immediately to the General Agent in the
city of New York, who will without delay act on the proposed risk.
The rates of this Society are as low as those of the American Companies, and
lower than the scale adopted by many London Offices. Loans granted to the ex-
tent of two-thirds the amount of premium paid, after the lapse of a year.
Persons insured in the United States on the scale of " participation" enjoy the
important advantage of sharing in the whole business of the Society, which ir
Great Britain is very extensive,
The public are respectfully requested to examine the distinguishing principles
of this Institution—their tables of rates—their distribution of profits—and the fa-
cilities afforded by their Loan department—before deciding to insure elsewhere,
Pamphlets containing the last Annual Report, the Society's rates, &c., together
with Blank forms, and the fullest information may be obtained upon application.
Blank forms of all kinds furnished free of charge,
BALTIMORE, March 16. No. 10 German street.