THE BALTIMORE BUSINESS DIRECTORY is presented to the public, in the
confident expectation that its contents will attract the attention and gain the
approval both of citizens and strangers.
To the citizens of Baltimore the Business Directory should commend itself
as affording an opportunity of displaying in a bold, varied, and tasteful style,
their advertisements in every department of trade;—and to strangers it should
not be without its attractions, as offering to them, with only the trouble of
examining its pages, the means of ascertaining what inducements are presented
by merchants, mechanics, manufacturers, and men of all pursuits, for forming
business relations with our prosperous city.
What these inducements are, the Directory will indicate to some extent;
although, of course, the names presented form but a portion of our numerous,
active, and enterprising business men. Their advertisements, it is believed,
may with all confidence be left to speak for themselves; and are commended
to the perusal of the public, at home and abroad.
Those who feel desirous of tracing the rapid progress of the city to its
present enviable position in respect to trade and general prosperity, will find
in the historical sketch prefixed to the Directory, some interesting details.
In the belief that many will be induced by this publication to visit our city,
and examine into its abundant and increasing resources of trade, the publisher
will only add that, if ease of access, convenience of location, abundance and
variety of supplies, lowness of prices, fairness of transactions, promptness,
and facility and cheapness of transportation, are to be regarded as important
elements in estimating the advantages and attractions of a commercial em-
porium, none will be more likely to gain the PALM of SUPERIORITY, in these
respects, than the CITY of BALTIMORE.