GEORGE R. RICHARDSON, Attorney General.
Western Shore. — Annapolis, Rich'd W. Gill, clerk, 2d
Monday in June and 1st Monday in December.
Eastern Shore. — Easton, Henry E. Bateuian, 1st Mon-
day in June and 3d Monday in November.
Sits on 2d Tuesday of March, 2d Tuesday of July, 2d
Tuesday of September, and 2d Tuesday of December.
Charles —Walter Mitchell, clerk, Port Tobacco, 3d
Monday in March and August.
St. Mary's — W. T. Maddox, clerk, Leonardtown, 1st
Monday in March and August. Register, George Coombs.
Pr. George's — John B. Brooke, clerk, Upper Marl-
borough, 1st Monday of April and 3d Monday in October.
Register, Dr. James Harper.
Cecil — James Sewell, Elkton, clerk, 1st Monday in
April and 3d Monday in October. Register, J. H. Jamar.
Kent — J. N. Gordon, clerk, Chestertown, 3d Monday
in March and September. Register, J. F. Brown,
dueen Ann's — John Tilghman, clerk, Centreville, 1st
Monday in May and November.
Talbot— J. Parrot, clerk, Easton, 3d Monday in May
and November. Register, John H. Harris.
Calvert— A. R. Sollers, clerk, Pr. Fredericktown, 2d
Monday in May and October.
Anne Arundel — Jos. H. Nicholson, clerk, Annapolis,
3d Monday in April and 4th Monday in October. Regis-
ter, Benjamin E. Gantt.
Howard District of Anne Arundel County— John L.
Moore, clerk, 2d Monday in March and 3d Monday in
Montgomery — N. J. Stonestreet, clerk, Rockville, 1st
Monday in March and 2d Monday in November.
Caroline — J. H. Fountain, clerk, Demon, 2d Monday
in March and October. Register, William A. Ford.
Dorchester — Dr. Jackson, clerk, Cambridge, 1st Monday
in April and 4th Monday in October. Register, Thomas
H. Hicks.
Somerset — Wm.T. G. Polk, clerk, Princess Anne, 3d
Monday in May and November. Register, Sam. W. Jones.
Worcester — Gordon M. Handy, clerk, Snowhill, 1st
Mond. in May and 2d Monday in November.
Frederick — W. B. Tyler, clerk, Frederick City, 4th
Monday in February and October. Register, Thomas
I. NEVITT STEEL, Deputy for Baltimore Co.
Washington — Isaac Nesbit, clerk, Hagerstown, 4th
Monday in March and 3d Monday in November.
Alleghany — Henry Bruce, clerk, Cumberland, 3d Mon-
day in April and 2d Monday in October.
Harford— Harry D. Gough, clerk, Bel Air, 3d Monday
in May and November. Register, C. W. Billingslea.
Carroll — Dr. Shower, clerk, Westminster, 1st Monday
of April, and September.
Baltimore County — Augustus W. Bradford, clerk, for
city civil business, 1st day of January, May, and Septem-
ber. For county business, 1st Monday in April and No-
vember. Register, David M. Ferine.
Baltimore City Criminal Court — William H. Gatcliell,
clerk, Louis Servary, assistant clerk, 1st Monday in Feb-
ruary, June, and October.
Harford County — Thomas A. Hays, Samuel Bradford,
and David G. McCoy.
Anne Arundel — William Brewer, Sr., Joseph N. Stock-
ett, and Dr. Stephens Gambrill.
Washington— Thomas Keller, Otho H. Williams, and
Charles G. Lane.
Frederick — Gideon Bantz, George Bowlus, and Wash-
ington Burgess.
Prince George's — Thomas Duckelt, John Hodges, and
Thomas J. Marshall.
Baltimore City and County — Sits every day, except
Sundays raid Holidays. — Edward D. Kemp, Peter Leary,
and Dr. John Readel. David M. Ferine, clerk and re-
gister of Wills.
Calvert— John Beckett, George W. Weems, and Alex-
ander Somerville.
Charles — John Ferguson, Josias Hawkins, and Walter
M. Miller.
Cecil— Wrn. Torbert, Benedict Craddock, and George
Caroline — Abraham Jump, William Jones of C., and
Charles Willis of E.
Talbot — John Slevens, Joseph Bruff, and George
Dorchester — James Thompson, Arthur Bell, and Jas.
Somerset — Dr. James Stewart, John J. Dashiell, and
Samuel S. Boggs.
Worcester — J. T. Taylor, Ebenezer Hearn, and Tho-
mas L. Timmons.
Howard District— Charles S. Ridgely, William W. Wat-
kins, and Isaac C. Anderson.