Courthouse lane, from Calvert to St. Paul st.
betw. Fayette and Lexington sts.
Courtland st., from Lexington to Franklin st.
betw. Calvert and St. Paul sts.
Cove st., from Penna. av. to S. Eutaw st
Covington st., from N. W. branch to Donaldson
st., E. of Light st.
Covington place, from S. end of Covington st.
Cowpen al., from Liberty to Eutaw st., betw
Baltimore and Fayette sts.
Cox st., from N. W. branch to N. W. branch
betw. town and Fort.
Creek al., from Hamburg st. to middle branch
Cromwell st., from middle branch to Patapsco
river, W. of Fort Covington.
Crooked lane, from Fayette to Lexington st.
betw. Charles and Sharp sts.
Cross st., from Ramsey st. to N. W. branch, S
of Henrietta st.
Cross al., from Green to Paca st., S. of Franklin
Cumberland st., from Calhoun st. to N. B. line,
near City limits.
Curtis al., from Thompson to Franklin st., W.
of Cove st.
Cypress al., from Lombard to Dover st., W. of
Cove st.
Dark lane, from St. Paul to Calvert st., betw.
Lexington and Saratoga sts.
David st., from Patapsco river to N. W. Branch.
Davis st., from Lexington to Centre st., betw.
Calvert and North sts.
Dawson al., from Pratt to Ramsey st., W. of
Cove st.
Decatur st., from Patapsco river to N. W. B. line.
Decker st., from Chase st. to N. B. line, W. of
Charles st.
Deluol st., from Pennsylvania Avenue to Madi-
son st., betw. Biddle and Orchard sts.
Dewberry al., from Baltimore to Pratt st., W. of
Cove st.
Dexter al., from Gwynn's Falls to Cross st., near
City limits.
Diamond st., from Baltimore to Mulberry st.,
betw. Paca and Green sts.
Dickson al., from Mosher to Lanvale st., W. of
Cathedral st.
Dillon st, from N. W. B. line to E. B. line at
Division st, from Biddle st. to N. B. line, N. of
Pennsylvania Avenue.
Dock st., from Drawbridge to Bond st., S. of City
Dolphin St., from Cove and Adams sts. to Oliver
st, N. W. of Biddle st.
Donaldson st., from M. Branch to Patapsco river,
N. of Fort Covington.
Dorsey st., from M. Branch to Ferry Point.
Douglass st, from Potter to Aisquith st., betw.
Pitt and Low sts.
Dove al., from N. B. line to Townsend st., E. of
York st.
Dover st., from Hanover Market to Cove st.,
betw. Pratt and Camden sts.
Duncan al., from N. B. line to N. W. B. line, E.
of Hospital.
Eager st, from Aisquith to Stirling st., N. of
Madison st.
Eagle st., from W. B. line to James st., S. of Pratt.
East st, from Baltimore to French st., betw.
Potter and Forrest sts.
East av., from N. B. line to N. W. Branch, near
City limits.
Eden st., from Harford av. to City dock, betw
Canal and Caroline sts.
Eden lane, from Eden to Canal st., N. of Balti-
more st.
Eisler st., from Sterrett to Cove st, S. of Pratt st
Elbow lane, from Paca to Cove st., opp. Camden
in Paca st.
Elk st., from James st. to M. Branch, near City
Ellicott st., from Pratt to Water st, betw. Grant
and Light sts.
Elliott st., from N. W. Branch to E, B. line
Elm st., from Townsend st. to N. B. line, N. W
of Biddle st.
Emory st., from German to Columbia st., betw
Green and Penn sts.
Ensor st., from cor. Gay and Potter sts. to N. E,
Etna lane, from Harrison to Frederick st., betw,
Baltimore and Gay sts.
Etling st., from Preston to Baker st., betw Penn-
sylvania Avenue and Ross st.
Eutaw st., from Biddle st. to M. Branch, betw.
Howard and Paca sts.
Eutaw court, from Eutaw to State st., betw.
Mulberry and Franklin sts.
Exchange al., from Lombard to Second st., betw,
Gay and South sts.
Exchange Place, from Gay to South st., in Lom-
bard st.
Exeter st., from French st. to City Dock, betw.
High and Potter sts.
Falls st., from Jones' Falls to Constitution st.,
betw. Monument and French sts.
Falls Avenue, from City dock to Lombard st.,
each side of the Falls.
Falls road, from Cathedral st. N., betw. Charles
and Park sts.
Falls al., from N. B. line to John st., N. of Bel-
videre bridge.
Fawn st., from President to Exeter st, betw.
Stiles and Trinity sts.
Fayette st., from E. B. line to W. B. line, betw.
Baltimore and Lexington sts.
Federal st., from Cathedral st. to N. B. line, N. of
Madison st.
Fell st., from Thames st. to N. W. Branch, betw.
Wolf and Ann sts.
Ferry st., from M. Branch to Patapsco river,
Ferry Point.
Ferry Point, divides M. Branch and Patapsco
river, S. City limits.
Fleet st., from E. Falls av. to E. B. line, betw.
Alice Anna and Wilk sts.
Fleet al., from Hammond's al. to City dock, W.
of Caroline st.
Forney al., from Fayette to Lexington st., W. of
Cove st.
Forrest st., from Douglass to John st., betw. Ais-
quith and East sts.
Forrest al., from Baltimore st. to Gwynn's Falls,
near N. B. line.
Fort st., from M. Branch to Jackson st., S. of
Cross st.
Fort avenue, from Jackson st. to Fort McHenry.
Foster al., from Wilson to Biddle st, W. of Ca-
thedral st.
Fountain st., from Washington to Chester st.,
betw. Fleet and Alice Anna sts.
Franklin st., from Jones' Falls to W. B. line, N/
of Mulberry st.