Wheeler James H., grocer, 30 S. Paca st.
—— Wm., laborer, 158 S. Eutaw st.
—— Major, com. mer., 70 Spear's wharf.
—— Thomas, porter, 169 Light at.
Wheelwright George W., firm of Turner, Wheel-
wright & Mudge, h. 77 Park st.
Whelan Thomas, 46 N. Charles st.
—— John.Jahorer, 194 Apple alley.
—— Luke laborer, 39 Bank st.
—— Wm., grocer, 144 W. Baltimore st., h. 18
Fayette st.
—— George J., att'y. 60 Fayette st.
—— Thos., house &, sign painter, 68 Raborg st.
—— Thomas, tavern keeper, 61 S. Frederick st.
Whelpler John, laborer, 232 William st.
Wherrilt Thomas, shoemaker, 476 W.Lombard.
—— James H., pilot, 136 Ann st.
Whipple George, tinner, 220 Raborg st.
—— David B., stone cutter, 88 Hollins st.
—— Joseph, livery stable, Swan st. near Falls,
h. 8. N. High st.
Whistler Wm. S., carpenter, 91 Orleans st.
—— David H., tailor, 122 Pitt st.
Whitaker Mrs. N. B., 66 Columbia st.
—— Thomas, carpenter, 90 York av.
—— Adam T., 55 McElderry st.
—— George, plasterer, 8 Pleasant st.
—— Dr. J. D., 134 Forrest st.
White John R., clerk, 284 E. Monument st.
—— Mrs. Mary, confection., 131 E. Monument.
—— James B., teacher, 41 Albemarle st.
—— Miss Ann, 19 S. Exeter st.
—— John D., boot maker, 97 N. Canal st.
—— James G., constable, 114 S. Caroline st.
—— Eliza, tailoress, 239 Alice Anna st.
—— Joseph, shipping master, 220 Alice Anna.
—— Mrs. A., seamstress, 237 Fleet st.
—— Harriet, 134 Wiik st.
—— Jehu, musician, 156 Wilk st.
—— Capt. Richard D., 168 Ann st.
—— Jos., boat build., 10 Philpot st., h. 257 Ann.
—— Catharine, 67 Bank st.
—— George, grocer, 195 E. Lombard st.
—— Wm. H., carpenter, 201 E. Lombard st.
—— David, constable, 68 N. Poppleton st.
—— Mrs. Hannah, 190 Pitt st.
—— Alexander J., clerk, 120 N. Gay st.
—— Wm., shoemaker, 12 Maiden lane.
—— Charles B., lumber mer., 98 Light st. whf.,
h; 137 Hanover st.
—— James, grocer, 679 W. Baltimore st.
—— Mrs. Louisa, 54 Camden st.
—— Samuel, painter, 94 Camden st.
—— John S., engineer, 25 Montgomery st.
—— Henry, fireman on steamboat, 32 Hughes.
—— Darius, ladies' boot and shoe maker, 195
W. Pratt st., h. 109 S. Sharp st.
—— Jacob, at chemical works, 40 Hamburg st.
—— Mrs. Ann, 16 Guilford alley.
—— Robert, bricklayer, 91 N. Cove st.
—— Mrs. Cecilia, 105 W. Madison st.
—— Charles, carpenter, 379 Lexington st.
—— Joseph &. Son, machinists, 118 S. Cove st.
—— Joseph, of firm, h. 126 S. Cove st.
—— Thomas, of firm, b. 125 S. Cove st.
—— J. Campbell, distiller, 89 St. Paul st.
—— Mrs. Sarah, grocer, 108 N. High c. Low st.
—— Dr. John Campbell, 15 Fayette st.
—— &. Elder, merchandise brokers, 67 W. Lom-
bard st.
—— . Ambrose A., of firm, h. 79 Franklin st.
—— Wm., grocer. 46 Pearl st.
White Joseph K. T., tinner, 58 S. Eutaw st., h
39 Marion st.
—— Mrs. Mary, 203 Mulberry st.
— John, distiller, 137 McElderry's whf.
—— John, com. mer., 46 S. Frederick st., h. 7
Franklin st.
—— Joseph, distiller, c. Holliday & Centre sts
h. 6 S. Gay st.
—— Jerome B., cooper, 41 S. Frederick st.
—— Henry, flour mer., 86 Spear's whf.
—— David, wheelwright, 265 Biddle st.
—— James S., clerk, 60 Vine st.
—— Mrs. Isabella, board, house, 23 N. Calvert
Whiteford George, engineer, 42 French st.
—— Mrs. Susan, 18 Rock st.
—— David, grocer, 375 W. Balto, st., h. 32 S
Eutaw st.
—— James, flour &. com. mer., 66 Spear's whf
h. 213 Aisquith st.
WhitehouseWm. &, Son, chain trace makers, 15
Thames st.
—— Wm., of firm, b. 269 Ann st.
Whitelock John W., 99 N. Eden st.
Wlutely, Gwyn & Co., dry goods users., 243 W
Baltimore st.
—— Anthony, firm of Hupfeld &. Whiteley, h
77 Camden st.
Whithone Charles, carter, 117 William st.
Whiting James, clerk, 73 Park st.
Whitman Wm., prop. Eagle Hotel, 148 &. 15(
W. Pratt st.
Whitmarsh J. &. D., hatters 3321 W. Balto, st.
—— George, shoemaker, 139 Lexington st., h
216 N. Howard st.
Whitney Richard, paper stainer, 384 W. Pratt
—— Mrs. Eliza, tailoress, 12 Harford av.
Whitridge Thomas & Co., com. mers., 12 &. 12
Bowly's whf.
—— Horatio, of firm, h. 32 Holliday st.
—— Dr. John, 53 N. Gay st.
Whitson David, constable, 145 Camden st.
—— Wm. E., blacksmith, 52 S. Paca st., h. 84
S. Paca st.
—— & Stoker, carpenters, 56 S. Paca st.
Whittemore Mrs. Mary, 192 Alice Anna st.
—— John, tavern keeper, 181 Lexington st.
Whitten George, ship carpenter, 197 Wilk st.
Whittenhour T., carter, —— street W. of Wil
liam, S. of West st.
Whittingham Rev. Wm. R., bishop Prot. Ep
Church, diocess of Md., h. 45 Courtland st
Whittington John, sail maker, 92 Lee st.
—— & Snyder, com. mers., 118 Dugan's whf.
—— Samuel H., of firm, h. 90 S. Eden st.
Whittle Mrs. Ann, 173 N. Paca st.
Whitworth Richard, 4 Mulberry court.
Wholey Joseph, car driver, 24 S. Schroeder st.
Whorton Robert, grocer, 193 Aisquith st.
Wible Martin, blacksmith, 2 E. Falls av. , h. 66
Stiles st.
—— Samuel, blacksmith, 11 Thomsen st.
Wick Henry, grocer, 50 Union st.
Wickens Wm., bricklayer, 71 Gfanby st.
Wickerseth John, carpenter, 425 Saratoga st.
Wickersham Wm., trunk maker, 58 Bank st.
—— Wm. & Son, lumber mers., 55 Bank st.
—— Wm., of firm, h. 145 S. Caroline st.
Wickes John, blacksmith and wheelwright, c.
Pratt st. and E. Falls ar., h. 39 Albemarle.
—— James, blacksmith, Gay near Forrest st.,
h. 68 Jefferson st.
Wicklen Charles, cooper, 27 York st., h. 3 York