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Baltimore Wholesale Business Directory and Business Circular for the Year 1845
Volume 528, Page 123   View pdf image (33K)
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STO 111 ST0

Stiles Col. John S., 119 Mulberry st.
Stiley John, grocer, 21 E. Pratt c. President st.
Stiltz Wm., laborer, 67 Wilk st.
— Albert, tailor, 56 S. Eutaw st.
Stimpsoa James, 58 Albemarle st.
Stinchcomb Aquila D;, clerk, 84 Park st.
— Joshua, cooper, 66 S. Paca st
— John, grocer and feed mer., 517 W. Balto.
— George, carpenter, 181 W. Madison st.
Stine Frederick, blacksmith, 12 Block st.
—— Benjamin, mer. tailor, 299 W. Pratt St., h.
169 S. Paca st.
— Joseph, mer. tailor, 10 S. Liberty st., h. 150
S. Sharp st.
—— Robert, clerk, 226 E. Monument st.
Stinson Wm. H., surgeon dentist, 51 Hanover st.
—— Richard, boot maker, 170 E. Monument st.
Stirling Mrs. Mary, 15 S. Exeter st.
—— Miss Mary, 12 N. Strawberry alley.
—— Archibald, treas. of Savings Bank, h. 128
E. Baltimore st.
Stirn Louis st Co., piano manuf., 18 Light st.
Stitcher Mrs. Ellen, seamstress, 8 Clay st.
Stites Wm., house carpenter, 53 N. Strawberry
alley, h. 226 Pitt st.
Stockman Frederick W., clerk, 198 Wolf st.
Stocksdale Nelson, clothier, 78 Marsh Mark. sp.
—— Thomas, hatter, 99 Pitt st.
—— Mary, dress maker, 99 Pitt st.
Stockton &. Falls, general stage agents, rear of
R. R. depot, W. Pratt st.
—— John, blacksmith, 153 Bank st.
—— Samuel W., manuf. of incorruptible teeth,
237 W. Balto, st.
—— Aaron, carpenter, 153 Bank st.
Stoddard J. T., prof, of music, 82 S. Paca st.
—— Capt. J. B., 30 Pitt st.
—— Nathaniel, carpenter, 166 N. Cove st.
Stoehr Jacob, laborer, 69 Argyle alley.
Stoeser Mathias, shoemaker, 97 N. Cove st.
Stokes Isaiah, pattern maker, 231 Hanover st.
—— Dr. Wm. H., 58 Saratoga st.
—— Wm. B.,pres. Balt. Coal Co., h. 24 Pleasant
—— Miss Rachel, 49 Pitt st.
—— Jervis, confectioner, 7 E. Balto, st.
Stolpp Jacob F., tobacconist, 197 N. Gay st.
—— John L., confectioner, 199 Fayette st.
Stone Michael, butcher, 98 S. Caroline st.
—— James, painter & glazier, 10 N. Paca st.
—— Mrs. Ann, seamstress, 74 Hill st.
—— Mary, teacher, 178 W. Lombard st.
—— Seth, bricklayer, 67 North st.
—— Faldin, shoemaker, 62 Lancaster st.
Stoneherger George, tinner, 77 Forrest st.
Stonebraker George, flour mer., c. Howard ant
Pratt sts., h. 30 S. Paca st.
—— Samuel, 30 S. Paca st.
—— Mrs. Elizabeth, 46 Hanover st.
Stoner John L., lottery and exchange dealer, 3
Marsh Market space.
Stonemyer Arnest, tailor, 12 House's court.
Storck Adolph, turner, 1 13 McElderry's whf.
—— George L., bookhinder, 14 French st.
Stork & Bro., cabinetmakers, 25 S. Calvert st.
— Richard B., chair maker, 91 Ensor st.
Storks Andrew, baker, 15 Shakspeare st.
Storm Jeremiah, pawnbroker, 15 E. Lombards
— James G., 16 N. Front st
Storrs Patrick, shopkeeper, 97 Low st.
Stouffer Jacob, 32 Marion st.
— Mrs. Ann, 197 Lexington st.
— John, 29 N. Paca st.

Story Mrs. Christy, 187 Forrest st.
—— Ann L., teacher in public school No. 5, b.
187 Forrest st.
Stout John F., pedler, 147 Alice Anna st.
—— Henry, att'y, 35 Fayette st.
—— Wm., blacksmith, 6 Constitution st
—— Mary Ann, seamstress, 478 W. Lombard,
Stover Theodore, 174 Wolf st.
—— Albert, grocer, 74 N. Exeter st.
Stow Thomas, steam saw mill, Uhler's alley, h.
63 S. Charles st.
Stowman Win., shoemaker, 13 Pearl st.
Stradley Wm. A., laborer, 4 Lee st.
Strahan Ebenezer, collector, 169 Fleet st.
Stran Mrs. Eliza, 51 N. Eden st.
—— Mrs. Ann, 186 S. Bond st.
Straney Edward, machinist, 374 Saratoga st.
Strasberger Charles, second-hand dealer, 46 Har-
rison st.
Stratton Robert, baker, 56 1/2 N. Howard st.
Straus Henry, grocer, 253 Broadway, h. 32
Shakspeare st.
—— & Adler, dry goods mer., 11 E. Balto, st.
—— Samuel, of firm, h. 10 Albemarle st.
Straw Nicholas, laborer, 169 Alice Anna st.
—— Wm., carter, 51 Mulliken st.
Strawinski Felix, dry goods mer., 79 N. Gay st.
Streebeck John, ship joiner, 201 Ann st.
Strech Samuel, tailor, 60 S. Eden st.
—— John, tailor, 223 Apple alley.
Street Benjamin T., 50 Stiles st.
—— Wm., bricklayer, 285 Saratoga st.
—— Oliver Preston, 253 Franklin st.
—— Dr. Israel, 471 W. Lombard st.
—— Corbin C., bricklayer, 107 Hollins st.
—— Thomas, bricklayer, 22 S. Schroeder st.
—— John C., grocer, 43 N. Front st.
Streeter S. F., teacher, 5 Courtland st.
Streets Capt. John, 174 Light st.
Strewald John, cooper, 239 S. Bond st.
Stribel Mrs., 1 Gould's court.
Strick John, tailor, 219 S. Bond st.
Strobie John, gardener, 139 Park st.
Stroble John P., 307 S. Bond st.
Stroe Philip, laborer, 11 Shakspeare st.
Strobe W., potter, 5 Hampstead st.
Strohm J. F. & Co., com. mers., 61 S. Gay st.
—— J. F., of firm, h. 32 North st.
Strohmann George F., tailor, 56 Aisquith st.
Strohmeyer Geo., mer. tailor, 115 W. Lombard.
Stromenger John M., tailor, 44 Hillen st.
—— John, clothier, 54 W. Pratt st.
Strong Alexander, weaver, 49 Preston st.
—— Mrs. Rosanna, 51 Preston st.
—— Mrs. Rebecca, tailoress, 11 Thomsen st.
Strupa Henry, varnisher, 305 S. Charles st.
Struthoff Mrs. Elizabeth, 64 N. Exeter st.
Stuart James &. Son, glass, oil and paint store,
77 McElderry's wharf.
—— James, of firm, h. 68 S. Caroline st.
—— Glendy, firm of H. Bolton & Co., h. 72 S.
Caroline st.
—— David, grocer and com. mer., 39 and 41 W.
Pratt St., h. 87 E. Baltimore st.
—— Gen. George H., att'y, 31 St. Paul st., h. W.
Baltimore st. extended.
Stubbins Ann, 214 Potter st.
—— Charles, clerk, 58 German st.
Stubbs Capt. Jabez, 32 Fawn st.
—— Joseph, carpenter, 79 Barre st.
Studds Henry, segar maker, 14 Shakspeare st.
Studdy Benjamin, sail maker, 4 Lee st.


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Baltimore Wholesale Business Directory and Business Circular for the Year 1845
Volume 528, Page 123   View pdf image (33K)
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