Shipley Joshua, 93 N. Cove at
— Zachariah, carpenter, 99 N.: Cove st.
— Wm. B., watchman, 121 Vine st.
—— Josbua, dairyman, 59 McHenry st.
— Lovelace G., carpenter, 38 Jasper st., h. 73
N. Paca st.
Shirer Andrew, shoemaker, 15 Harford avenue.
Shirk -Henry & Co., grocers, 101 Franklin st.
—— Henry, of firm, h. 114 W. Monument st.
Shifter James, grocer, c. High and French sts.
Shirtz Henry, 129 Vine st.
Shiyed Godfrey, butcher, 70 Hughes st
Shlesinger B., tavern, 11 Camden st.
Shock George, carpenter, 205 Pitt st.
Shockley Caroline, teacher, 85 Bank st.
Shoemaker Wm. S., machinist, 30 Shakspeare.
— Reinhart, confectioner, 101 S. Howard st.
—— Charles, 124 Pine st.
Sholes Thomas C., upholsterer, 80 W. Balto, st.
Shook Henry, watchman, 32 Harford avenue.
Shorey Nehemiah B., hatter, 79 Orleans st.
Short Hudson, mariner, 33 Lancaster st.
—— Mrs. Harriet, 95 S. Eutaw st.
—— Wm., hackman, 53 German st.
—— Mrs. Mary M., boarding house, 20 Water.
Shortel Edw., grocer and feed men, 64 York av.
Shorter Sylvester, ostler, 16 New st.
—— Peter, seaman, 23 Armistead lane.
Shot Tower, Phoenix, c. Front and Pitt sts.
—— TowerMerchant's, c. Conway & Eutaw sts.
Shott Conrad, shoemaker, 93 Montgomery st.
—— Jacob, rigger, 117 Fleet st.
Shotton John, outcher, 120 York avenue.
Showacre John, magistrate, 63 Hanover st., h.
159 S. Paca st.
Shower C. J., com. mer., 12 S. Charles st.
Shreck Mrs. Elizabeth, 94 Ann st.
—— Albert, comb maker, 100 Ann st.
—— Jacob, comb maker, 124 N. High st.
—— Mrs. Lucretia, comb and variety store, 3 E.
Baltimore st., h. 82 Aisquith st.
Shreeves J. B., shoemaker, 63 Stirling st.
Shreiber Rev. Peter, pastor St. Vincent de Paul's
church, h. 35 N. Front st.
Shrigley Rev. James, pastor Universalist church,
h. 50 N. Front st.
Shriver John S., 192 Franklin st.
—— Lewis, shoemaker, 97 N. High st.
Shrote John, baker, 22 Burgundy alley.
Shryock Henry S., cabinet maker, 2 Fayette st.,
h. 10 New Church st.
Shubert Michael, shoemaker, 220 S. Bond st.
Shuck Michael, 223 N. Eden st.
—— Adam, hatter, Holliday near Pleasant st.
—— John, cabinet maker, 167 N. Exeter st.
Shulthers H., cabinet maker, 299 E. Monument.
Shultz Augustus D., boot &. shoe mak., 15 Light.
—— Jefferson, firm Cariss & Shultz, 64 Barre.
—— John, furniture dealer, 156 Saratoga st.
Shurles John H. & Co., boot and shoe makers,
143 and 145 Lexington st.
Shurtz St Taylor, literary depot, 12 North st.
Shuter James, grocer, 37 French st.
Shutt Henry, tailor, 30 Low st.
—— Augustus P., chair maker, 290 N. Gay st.
—— Mrs. Sarah, 68 N. Liberty st.
Sibold Michael, baker, 327 Saratoga st.
—— Henry, laborer, 19 Slemmer's alley.
Sickel Henry, baker, 95 N. Exeter st.
— George G., baker, 19 Aisquith st.
Sides Mrs. Ann, 467 W. Lombard st.
—— Samuel, confectioner, 84 W. Baltimore st.
Siegel David, clothier,' 44 Marsh Market space.
Siegler Nicholas, laborer, 66 Argyle alley.
Siemers & Klare, carpenters, 21 S. Liberty st.
—— H., of firm, 119 S. Howard st.
—— John H., potter, 17 Stiles st.
—— G., grocer, 109 Columbia st.
Sien George, boot and shoe maker, 115 Peirce st.
Silk Thomas R., mariner, 243 Gough st.
Silverstein & Co., cap makers, 49 S. Charles st.
Simer George, tavern, 38 Lancaster st.
Simmerlarkin Mrs. F., 47 Penna. avenue.
Simmers Peter, porter, 10 L. Paca st.
Simmonds John Adam, sawyer, 275 S. Bond st.
—— John F., iron founder, 74 Wilk st.
—— Samuel F., carter, 134 Raborg st.
—— Levi, machinist, 343 Aisquitn st.
—— John A., shipping mer., 93 Smith's whf.,
h. 78 N. Charles st.
Simmons Isaac, property agent, 4 North st., h.
71 S. Sharp st.
—— Andrew, carpenter, 206 N. Eutaw st.
—— A. H., firm of A. S. Abel] &, Co., h. 29 S.
Exeter st.
—— Charles, mariner, 20 Thames st.
—— & Bro., dry goods mer., 133 N. Gay st.
—— Richard, soap & candle maker, 22 York av.
—— John, carpenter, 242 N. Gay st.
—— & Wolcott, daguerreotype rooms, 199 W.
Baltimore st.
—— Mrs. Mary R., 9 York avenue.
—— Wm., 116 N. Eden st.
Simmont Fred'k, brickmaker, 99 Columbia st.
Simms Francis, laborer, 27 Slemmer's alley.
—— Wm., grocer, 57 W. Pratt st.
—— Joseph C., tin and sheet iron worker, 31
Light st., h. 58 Conway st.
Simon Charles, dry goods mer., 63 N. Howard.
—— H., dry goods mer., 162 Lexington st.
Simonson John, chair maker, 179 W. Pratt st.
—— Mrs. J., fancy store, 179 W. Pratt st.
Simpson James, tavern, 204 Lexington st.
—— John R., tailor, 254 N. Gay st.
—— Isaac, clothier, 41 Penna. avenue.
—— Miss Sarah, 195 Ann st.
—— Mary, 23 Gough st.
—— Benjamin, carpenter, 84 Granby st.
—— James T., ship joiner, 86 Granby st.
—— Wm., nightman, 39 N. Caroline st.
—— James, grocer, 19 Mott st.
—— Edward G., carpenter, 57 French st.
—— Horace, shoemaker, 40 Orleans st.
—— Andrew, tailor, 236 Gough st.
—— Thomas, shoemaker, 231 Gough st.
—— Thomas, painter, 12 Low st.
Sinclair Mrs. Alice, seamstress, 213 Wolf st.
—— Cyrus, block and pump maker, 35 Wilk st.
—— Robert H., clerk, 4 N. Caroline st.
—— John, ship carpenter, 38 Philpot st.
—— Perry, ship carpenter, 40 Philpot st.
—— Christopher, cabinet maker, 55 Holland st.
—— Francis, tailor, 180 N. Gay st.
—— Matthew, stone cutter, 87 Pearl st.
—— Mrs. Jane, 50 S. Exeter st.
—— Robert, Jr. & Co., importers of field and
garden seeds, and agricultural implement
makers, 62 Light st.
—— Robert, Jr., of firm, h. 239 W. Lombard st.
Sindall Samuel, tin plate and bar iron mer., 48
and 50 S. Calvert st., h. 70 E. Pratt st.
Singer George, watchmaker, 8 St. Paul st.
Singewald Traugoth, hatter, 19 Low st
Singleton Mrs. Elizabeth, 14 N. Gay st.