Parr Mrs. Elizabeth, grocer, 192 Aisqnith st.
— Darid, stone and earthen ware manut'., 65
South st.
—— David P., grocer, 12 W. Baltimore st.
Parrish Wm., butcher, 101 York av.
—— John, laborer, 68 Granby st.
—— Jacob, wheelwright,S W. Pratt st., h. 63
Columbia st.
—— Capt. Lewis, 129 S. Exeter st.
Parrott Miss, tailoress,96 N. Canal st.
— James, tailor, 98 N. Canal st.
—— James, bricklayer, 121 N. Eden st.
—— Wm., shopkeeper, 69 Potter st.
—— Joseph J., sail maker, 175 Ann st.
—— Mrs. Eliza, 175 Ann st.
—— Miss Rebecca, 10 Lloyd st.
Parry Cyrus P., engineer, 58 Stiles st.
Parsons & Preston, booksellers and stationers,
151 W. Pratt st.
—— Mrs. Sarah, 120 N. Paca st.
—— Mrs. Elizabeth, 181 fleet st.
—— Thomas, shoemaker, 128 S. Paca st.
—— T., shoemaker, 45 S. Paca st.
—— Wm., carpenter, 318 E. Monument st
—— Wm., laborer, 5 Silver st.
—— John, finisher, 55 York st.
—— Wm., millwright, 135 York st.
—— Jonathan, wagoner, 405 W. Lombard st.
Partridge Mrs. Harriet, 169 Bank st.
Pascal, Capt. Peter, 159 Orleans st.
—— Capt. James, 183 Wolf st.
Pasquay Jacob, currier, 25 Cheapside.
Pass John D., oyster house, 177 Wilk st.
Passaby Capt. James, 22 Orleans st.
Passano Joseph, Jr., dry goods mer., 34 Marsh
Market sp., h. 22 S. High st.
— Joseph, 22 S. High st.
—— Leonard, dry goods mer., 50 Marsh Mkt. sp.
—— Louis, dry goods mer., Maryland Arcade,
h. 16 Lloyd st.
Passapea Capt. James M., 14 Gough st.
Pasters Francis, butter dealer, 101 Pitt st.
Pastorius & Shotwell, dry goods mers., 193 W.
Baltimore st.
Patrick Miss E., dress maker, 4 Saratoga st.
—— John, inspector of customs, 17 S. High st.
—— Wm., 183 S. Exeter st.
Patten James, fruit dealer, 2 W. Lombard st.
Patterson John, carpet weaver, 70 Hampstead st.
—— Wm., cooper, 184 S. Charles st., h. 46 Lee.
—— Miss Jane, milliner, 4 Water st.
—— Wm. G. H., tailor, 6 York av.
—— James, shoemaker, 310 E. Monument st.
—— A. B., com. mer., 14 Commerce st.
—— Ellen, boarding house, 80 Hanover st.
—— Wm., 114 Hill st.
—— Garney.C:, 35 Montgomery st.
—— James, cooper, 151 York st.
—— Robert, turner, Dhler's allev, h. 108 S.
Green st.
—— Mrs Mary Ann, 18 S. Schroeder st.
— Henry, 383 Franklin st.
—— Samuel, weaver, 614 Saratoga st.
—— Dr. John H., 92.St. Paul st.
—— Miss Sarah, 94 St. Paul st.
— Henry, 28 North st.
—— James, cooper, 189 Potter st.
—— Joseph, 13 Thomsen st.
—— Richard, clerk, 46 Jackson st.
—— George, carver, 21 Stirling st.
—— Wm., constable, 116 Raborg st.
—— John, rigger, 170 Fleet st.
Patterson John, shoemaker, 135 Mulberry st.
—— Mrs. Elizabeth, 276 Franklin st.
—— John, grocer & com. mer., 108 Dugan's wf.
—— Mrs. Mary, 53 Vine st.
—— John, paper hanger, 60 Holliday st.
— J. W. &, E., iron mere., 79 W. Pratt st.
—— Joseph W., of firm, h. 20 South st.
—— Edward, of firm, h. 8 S. Gay st
—— John, mer. tailor, 26 South st
—— James, grocer and com. mer., 61 S. Calvert
st., h. 201 Light st.
Pattison Samuel, firm of Smith &. Pattison, 176
S. Charles st.
—— James J., property agent and collector, 200
E. Pratt st.
Patton James, cabinet maker 136 Hanover st.
—— Wm., laborer, 51 Harford av.
—— Wm., drayman, 82 Albemarle st.
Patuxent Co., Alexander Fisher, treasurer, 3
German st
Paul John, manager Washington Museum, 25
W. Pratt st.
—— James, merchant, 217 Aisquith st.
—— Wm., tobacconist, 417 W. Baltimore st.
—— James, tailor, Pennsylvania avenue.
—— Lewis, painter, 7 Albemarle st.
—— Alexander, millwright and iron and brass
founder, 248 Lexington st., h. 36 Pine st.
Paul D., boot and shoe maker, 33 Concord st.
Pawley James W., china, glass and queensware
mer., 18 S. Calvert st.
—— James, artist, 139 Mulberry st.
Pawson Wm. S., com. mer., 95 Smith's whf., h
103 St. Paul st.
Payne Christian, shopkeeper, 152 N. Eutaw st
—— Mrs. Pbilipina, 180 Saratoga st.
Payson Henry, 117 Hanover st.
Pazire A., perfumery store, 14 S. Sharp st.
Peabody, Riggs &. Co., importers of dry goods
7 German st.
Peacock Samuel, shoemaker, 161 N. Canal st.
—— Richard, shopkeeper, 293 Fleet st.
—— Wm., ship carpenter, 9 Philpot st.
—— Mrs. Ellen, 43 N. Poppleton st.
—— Mrs. Sarah, 246 N. Gay st.
—— Mrs. W. W., boarding house, 14 S. Gay st
—— Mrs. Ellen, 11 N. Amity st.
—— Ingram E., chair maker, 284 W. Pratt st.
—— Wm., tavern keeper, 520 W. Baltimore st.
—— Stephen, machinist, 701 W. Baltimore st.
Peale, Edmund, prop. Baltimore Museum, h
165 S. Sharp st.
—— John, 127 Ensor st.
—— Sarah Al., portrait painter, 5 N. Front st.
Pearce Wm., shoemaker, 70 Jefferson st.
—— Richard, cooper, 6 Hollingsworth st.
—— Francis L., shoemaker, 11 Hulls lane.
—— Francis, shoemaker, 142 Hillen st.
—— Edward G., 150 Aisquith st.
—— Julius, wheelwright, 6 Comet st.
—— Wm., seaman,. 15 Granby st.
—— Charles R., firm of Birckhead & Pearce, 59
Lexington st.
—— Richard, shoemaker, 198 Light st.
—— Obed, machinist, 164 N. High st
—— George, tailor, 68 Pearl st
—— Richard, huckster, 55 Park st
Pearson Solomon, make steamboat Herald, 26
Hamburg st.
— Joseph & Sons, importers of hatters' fur
and trimmings, 324 W. Baltimore st
—— Andrew, of firm, 31 Camdem st.